space (pt. 1)

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scott's pov

one hour later
i was about to call kayo when i got  called i answer amediatly it coincidently it was kayo "hi scott," she said "can you go to a few of the countries thanks because i am running low on fuel. i will send you the coordants bye."
"fab tbs," i replied as i turned on the max thrusters in tb1 then went to the countries i was assigned to find the hood i called kayo asked if she had any luck "no," she said
"dang where is he then," i said in a whisper
"i have an idea, i will talk later," she said then hang up to call alan "what's up kayo,"
"alan i need you in space i will tell you whats up when your headed to space, okay?" she told him
"fab i am suiting up now on my way," alan replied
"see if the hood is in space doing all this destruction from space cause no-one could survive these quakes and stuff so i reckon he is in space," kayo said to mainly alan but to everone else at the same time.
"good thinking kayo," was the main reply from her idea or similar wording was used.

i will post later hope you are enjoying bye.

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