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14.2.2020. A new decade has begun, but the world started off on the wrong foot. Australian Wildfire, a new deadly disease and the most horrendous part, Pewdiepie went on a break and he still hasn't come back. Admits all this misfortune a ray of hope has been cast upon humanity. An unknown company named UWVR emerged out of nowhere and backed by multiple millionaires and billionaires the ever mysterious company announced their enormous advances in the Virtual Reality department. The endless possibilities this opens up fascinated the population. Simulations as close to reality as possible. The amount of failed astronaut flights would be heavily reduced, control of life endangering devices could be practiced multiple times without a risk, live conferences over far distances would be so much more comfortable, but what humans were most excited about was nothing else but the endless amount of new video games that would come upon the market with the new VR device.

For a year whole of humanity were breathlessly following the actions of UWVR, when they finally announced that they have been working on an VRMMORPG. Closed alpha has been up and running. Soon, they said, the close beta will start. With this announcement they also said that they have been handing out closed beta keys with the VR device to random people. The name of the said VRMMORPG will be Parallel Universe Online(PUO).

One of the lucky fellas, who had the joy of joining said closed beta for a whole year before the official release, was Yusuf. Yusuf, a teacher working in Berlin, had good income and quite the amount of free time. So it was no surprise, that he played the game for quite a bit. Fascinated by it he invested a lot of time into it and ended up being one of the top rankers throughout the beta version. Since he did not need to pay rent for a long time, he just recently moved out of his parents house, he had quite the sum of money saved up. Remembering his sisters birthday was coming up he thought to himself,

'I could buy a VR device for my little sister.'

He has been trying to get his sister into gaming, but just recently he succeeded and she started playing a few offline games.

Thinking this might be the one game, that will finally pull her to the dark side, he gave it to her with such thoughts.

'Also she just recently graduated from high school and till she will attend college she will have a lot of free time.'

Said sisters was walking home. As her last school day was finally behind her she had quite the conflicted feelings. Usually she would be skipping through the streets and singing to her songs, but today was different. While she was happy that she finished school, she would see her friends less and less, which in turn made her sad. The conflicted sister had yet to realize the impending doom of Virtual Reality immersion that was coming upon her. Not knowing that soon her whole future will be turned upside down.

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