Bombs Away!

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Wily grinned with maniacal glee as he stood back and admired his newest creation: a flying machine carrying a special button-activated explosive chemical compound. Novak walked into the lab he had let him borrow while the mad scientist was busy gawking.

“So… A blimp?”

Wily shook his head in mock disbelief. “With all due respect, Mr Novak, if we’re going to be going into business together, you’re going to have to be able to expect the unexpected…”

Novak stifled a yawn. “Okay, I’ll bite. Is this a bomb or something?”

“Exactly! What this baby’s gonna do is sail over Dr. Light’s house just over the roof and…” Wily made an explosion-like noise and gesture with his hands.

Novak’s expression became one of bewilderment. “You must really have a vendetta against Light, don’t you?”

“You have no idea.”

The CEO held his head as if suffering from a sudden migraine. “Fair enough. I’ll just…leave you to it.”

Novak walked out of the room, though Wily didn’t hear him mutter under his breath,“Worthless imbecile…”

Mega Man didn’t waste a second checking on his brother’s well being, though voth Roll and Joshua had been working on him furiously while he was gone, and were still at it.

He was about to go off and deal with Sheep Man when Roll suddenly stopped him.

“I’m going this time. Stay with Joshua.”

If the situation weren’t so serious, he might have had a pretty good chuckle at that. “This is no time for jokes, Roll! I need to go–”

His eyes followed her as she took a device out of a cabinet and hit a button. A flash of light revealed what was effectively a heart-themed Mega Woman.

Mega Man’s now saucer-sized eyes drifted to Joshua.

“D-Don’t look at me! I don’t know anything about it.”

“Mega Girl is on the job!”

“I…guess?” The Blue Bomber finally gave in, letting her by, but not before asking what she would fight with.

“That’s easy!” The push broom that was previously against a wall suddenly warped into her hands.

“All enemies will fall before the Pink Powerhouse!”

She was gone in an instant.

“Should we…watch over her?”

“Yeah…but while we do that, can you help me with this casing, here?”

Mega Man shrugged and began to get going on what would turn out to be a whole new body for Proto Man.

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