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Mega Man reappeared in the lab only to get the rather grizzly sight of his charred corpse of a brother with Roll hovering over him working as fast as she could on him.

He rushed over to help in any way he could, only for Blue’s glare to stop him cold.

“What d-do you think you’re doing…” His voice slurred even as he spoke. He shut down momentarily before starting up again. “Get go-going…”

Roll was on the verge of screaming. “Stop talking, Blues! You’re barely functioning as it is!”

“What about you?!” Mega man asked, not wanting to leave him alone for a second. Blues took bumps like this before, but even he was surprised at this point that he was still alive.

“Fine… J-just go. Bad feeling…about…”

Blues shut down again.

The next few moments were a blur. The two bots swarmed around, making arrangements to do something he didn’t catch. He was too busy honoring what he was sure was his brother’s last wish.


Under normal circumstances, Mega Man might have felt something, considering the fact that he was in a purid sewer and all. Of course, it was probably the shock of watching his brother quite possibly die that numbed anything he could potentially feel. Strangely enough for the normally pacifistic robot, his trigger finger (so to speak) was peculiarly itchy.


Finally getting to the robot in question after having gotten through whatever maze that was in front of him (he was too preoccupied to care), he pointed his Buster at his foe.

“Stand down.”

The Robot Master responded by summoning Acid Rain without a word.

A terrible decision on its part.

The sewers rang with about five minutes of screaming and firing sounds followed by an explosion and the sound of warping away.


Novak was in a good mood when he atrolled by Dr. Light’s cell. The scientist woke up from his impromptu nap.

“Here to gloat?”

“Doctor, Doctor, Doctor. You suspect me, after all this hospitality I’ve shown you.”

Light considered pulling a rather uncouth statement from his red-coated son, but thought better of it. “Why are you here?”

“Oh, just to update you on things. The suspense you must feel regarding your ‘children’ must be killing you, after all…”

Light rushed towards his bars. The old man’s tone was an incensed hiss.
“What. Have. You. Done!”

“Oh, just beaten that red loudmouth within an inch of his life and introduced the legendary ‘Blue Bomber’ to the 6 stages of grief.”

“When I get out of…” Light found himself too angry to say anything else. Of all the times to not be young…

“Oh no! You’re… Don’t tell you’re going to lecture me!” Novak made a face of mock fright., “So scary! I might just die of fright!”

Light gripped the bars until his knuckles turned white.

“Relax. Look at it this way. You’re fulfilling your dream of helping people with robots. Both you and Wily. Your helping me make better versions of your work. Not that you or he will be around to see most of the fruits of my labor, but…”

“Since when have you picked up a wrench?!”

Novak’s smug grin didn’t so much as waver as his enemy glared at him with a mixture of pity and frustration.

“Please. I have ‘the help’ do that.”

Light wanted to open his mouth again to retort when the man’s watched beeped.

"Oh, would you look at that? Another appointment. Talk to you later. Enjoy your last hours, Doctor."

Said Doctor slumped to the ground as Novak’s retreating steps faded into the distance.

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