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Liked by @mikayla_ann@christianyelich@uwmadison,
@giancarlo818, @abs.ray@adam.evans
@nikkyrush and 4,298 others


Until next year Mad-town✌

@username1: You're cuteeee 

@username2: ❄❄❄

@softballfan1: Winter break means 1 step closer to softball season

@mikayla_ann: Thanks for the photo creds!! 

@username3: The question still arises... How can you not have a boyfriend?? You are absolutely gorgeous. 

@softballfan2: @christianyelich

@badgersfan1: @christianyelich

@username4: @christianyelich 

@giancarlo818: PSA!! I am trying hard to get them together, don't you worry. You're dreams will come true sometime, I promise otherwise I will cry.

@marlinsfan1: Giancarlo confirms!!!! 

@username5: PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN SOON!!! @giancarlo818
: I'm trying but they are both stubborn little bitches


Mission Yelish

Future Mrs. Christian Yelich👰
You just had to announce that to the world??

Yes, yes I did


I'm just giving what the people want. Information on you two and that it is my mission for you guys becoming a thing sooo

Why are you so obsessed with getting us together??

Because you guys love each other sooo. And because you guys would be cute together sooo yeah 

Future Mrs. Christian Yelich👰
We don't love each other

Well you might not love Yeli but I 100% know that Yeli loves you

Wait For You | Christian Yelich (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora