"I still am mama.. I got a new job offer as the lieutenant for LAPD" I said.

"Oh baby that's great. We could work side by side" she said and smiled.

I smiled lightly and she immediately knew something felt wrong.

"Drea.. what's wrong?" She asked me. I walked over and sat on the couch and she came and sat next to me.

"Talk to me Drea" she said softly.

"Why aren't you still mad at me?" I asked her.

"Why would I be mad at you?" She asked

"Because I left here to go to New York.. you should still be mad that I left" I said letting tears fall.

"Oh Andrea, I could never be mad at you, you were my first babygirl.. I am proud of what you have become.. following your moms footsteps.. I wasn't mad, I was worried with you being in a big ole city like that all by yourself, and if you got hurt I couldn't protect you because I was all the way over here" my mom said.

"So your not mad?" I asked

"No I'm not" she said and hugged me again and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Drea!" I heard a voice say and then footsteps. I pulled away from the hug and saw Harry running over to me

"Hey Harry" I said and hugged him. Then May ran over and also hugged me.

"Look at you both... you both have gotten so big" I said and ruffled Harry hair and kissed May head.

"You must be the one and only Andrea Grant" a deep voice was heard behind me. I turned around and saw a tall white man. I knew who he was. He was moms husband and Diaz boss.

"And you must be the one and only Bobby Nash" I said and walked up to him.

"Nice to finally meet you" he said

"Likewise.. now you better be treating my mother right or we might have some problems" I said jokingly.

"Yes ma'am" he said and smiled.


After I caught up with my mom and her new husband. I had to go by the station and get my new uniform, my badge and my gun.. after I did all that and got dressed in it.

I decided to go over to Eddie house and pay him and Christopher a visit.

I walked up to his apartment door and knocked on the door.

"Edmundo Diaz, LAPD open up" I said loudly.

I heard footsteps and the door open.

"Can I help-" Eddie said but then stoped talking when he saw me.

"Drea?" He asked like he couldn't believe I was here.

"Hey Ed" I said and pulled him into a hug.

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I got a new job here as the lieutenant at the police station" I said. He moved out of the way and let me in.

"Wheres Christopher and Shannon?" I asked and I saw Eddie face drop.

"Did I say something?" I asked thinking what I could've said that caused him to have such reaction.

"Um.. Drea listen.. I think you should know.." Eddie started to say

"Andrea!" I heard Christopher yell as he grabbed his crutches and walked over to me.

"Hey my man" I said as I walked over to him and hugged him.

"I missed you" Christopher said

"Aw I missed you too" I said.

"Drea" Eddie called me. I stood up straight and turned to Eddie.

"Oh sorry, you were saying.. you know I still haven't seen Shannon.. is she at work?" I asked. I absolutely loved Shannon. Yeah they both of them had problems but at the end of the day Shannon and Eddie were an amazing couple.

"She's dead" Eddie just blurred out.

"What?" I asked.

"She died Drea.. I- I was going to tell you but I just didn't have the guts I knew you liked her so much but.." Eddie said but stoped talking when I just engulfed him in a hug.

"I'm so so sorry Eddie" I whispered in his ear.

"Y-your not mad?" He asked

"No I'm not mad.. a little disappointed that you didn't tell your best friend that your wife died but I get it.. your still processing it. I'm here for you" I said and Eddie smiled.

"Thanks Drea" he said and I smiled and nodded my head.

"How about I take you two out for dinner and we can catch up?" I suggested. Eddie nodded his head and turned to Christopher.

"What do you say buddy.. wanna go out to dinner with Drea?" Eddie asked his son.

"Yeah" Christopher said.

"Great" I said


First chapter of my new book.. hope you like it ❤️

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