~|| Depression and Obession Don't Mix Well, Cheer up Y/n!!! ||~

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Korra: "Yeah I would like that."

So we began to walk and talk and we talked as we walked.

I asked how she learned to kick ass like that she said her grandpa taught her to protect herself and her father taught her restraint.

We seemed to be at the steps of her house it had an older model more like a shrine or a temple.

Y/n: "So this is your house."

Korra: "Yeah this is me"

We awkwardly said our goodbyes and I left.

It was close to midnight and I seemed to be miles away from my house. Suddenly the street lights began flickering.

Y/n: "Just great walking home alone was scary enough."

Wukong: "Alone you are not I am always with you, You see."

Y/n: "Atleast I have you."

A lady in a white dress suddenly appeared amongst the flashing she screamed for help but still ran away from me.

Y/n: "Hey stop screaming...It's late!!"

Wukong: "Your hopeless."

The lady didn't stop so I figured she might've really been in trouble.

???: "Y/n help me!!"

Y/n: "That voice no...it can't be!"

I began to run in a full sprint toward the woman.She suddenly stopped and turned.

It was my mother.I walked closer just barely touching her the I put my hand on her cheek she was really here.

Y/n: "Mom?"

I fell to my knees crying

Y/n: "I thought I lost you...where have you been? Why were you screaming?Is there someone chasing you?

I looked up only to see her cold stare gazing down at me.

Mom: "It's all your fault.If you would've came home on time.I would still be alive."

Y/n: "What do you mean your right in front of me. What wrong tell me I got stronger to make sure that never happens again.Trust me."

I desperately wanted her to smile at me like she use to then I felt my shirt get soaked.

She began to bleed from her stomach.

I couldn't help tear up.

Y/n: "What's wrong tell me please I can't lose you again. I trained so hard. I even made some friends.Theres Koneko she's nice and cute but she doesn't talk much an- and there's Kiba he's super nice and kind and he makes everything look easy. And Issei he means well but he's just an idiot but it's funny.and Korra and Rias there both really cool and I need your advice on girls.I don't know how to talk to them and their confusing and I really need you."

I was full blown crying. She still had her cold gaze.but this time I could see she shed some tears too.

Wukong: "This is an illusion see through it you must."

Y/n: "I-I I can't please help me.."

I blacked out.

I felt my self in a void of darkness I didn't want to move I didn't want to live.

I had taken her passing well until that why me who could be so cruel?

Why me I didn't want any of this I didn't want to move here I didn't want any of this.

Then a light shined blinding me as it filled everything.

5 men stood in front of me

???: Sometimes The burden you have to take on is too much and We're sorry but you can handle it's written in the stars.

Y/n: "How would you know"

God: "Because I'm God."

Short Chapter I know but I couldn't think of much anyway. Next chapter already in the making.

Next Chapter: Blessing Or A Curse? Is this the Afterlife...

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