~|| 2 Years!!, Come back Y/n We Need You. ||~

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2 Years Later Mount Fujiboku~

It had been two years in my inner state I had learned to several arts fighting styles and overall new abilities

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It had been two years in my inner state I had learned to several arts fighting styles and overall new abilities.

Y/n: "Focus..."

I jumped up flipped and threw several shurikens as I spiral upside down.As I landed I heard the shurikens hit the boards I placed on several trees.As I opened my eyes to look at the landing spots Wukong walked up to me.

Wukong: "Your training has come to a end it seems."

I bowed to him showing respect but I looked up at him confused as to what he meant

Y/n: "What do you mean I still feel myself becoming better everyday."

Rias: "Y/n.Y/n you there..."

Her voice echoed in my inner world.

Wukong: "One of the many challenges you both will face will soon arrive."

Y/n: "What do you mean?"

Wukong: "Figure that out yourself you will ,but remember with one step taken many more paths will appear."

Rias: Y/n I came to tell you I forfeit my peerage belong to you now.

Wukong: "There is more to this the she lets on go to her."

I bowed as a wave goodbye before returning to my actual body leave my inner world state.

I opened my eyes and there before me was rias.but not the confident rias that was proud.No a desperate rias that seemed more worried than I've ever seen her to be.

Y/n: "I will not gain a peerage this way."

Rias: "We don't have time I want to at least leave them in the hands of someone I know will treat them like I will"

she looked at me slowly breaking down in tears.She then looked down to hide her tears from me.

Y/n: "What do you mean? Tell me what's going on."

I used my hand to softly raise her chin.I looked her deeply in her eyes.

Y/n: Keep your head up Rias, I will be there for you cause I believe in you.So tell me what's wrong I can't help you if yo-

A transport ring summoned right behind Rias, A woman with white hair that seemed very formal appear through it.

???: "I hope you didn't plan on lowering yourself like this to get out off the plans.I thought my warning with Issei would be enough.

I looked at her then looked at us realizing how this looked.I put myself in between herself and Rias.

Y/n : "It's not at all what it looks like,and what does Issei have to do with this?"

Grayfia: Oh seems I've said to much. We should start again I'm Grayfia Second hand to Sirzechs Rias' brother."

Y/n: "I'm Y/n...I have nothing cool to add."

Grayfia: "I understand."

She then focused her gaze onto Rias

Grayfia: "My humble apologizes after our early incident I was being cautious,But might I ask your intentions here tonight."

Rias gripped onto my shirt as she stood behind me.Whatever is was Grayfia knew about it seemed to be the reason she was upset.

Y/n: I don't mean to be rude but might I ask you both talk about this another time, Rias and I still need to finish our talk about my training with Wukong.

Grayfia looked at me then looked at Rias with a smile on her face.

Grayfia: "As long as that is the nature of your time together.."

She then summoned another transportation ring vanishing just as she came

Grayfia: "She really must count on you."

Y/n: "I won't ask what that was about."

Rias still seemed shook in up about the whole thing

Y/n : I don't know if it'll help but if you need a place to crash tonight you can stay he-

Rias : Ye-Yes please if it doesn't bother you.

Y/n: Alright I'll take the living room couch you can have my bed if you want.

Rias: "No,no that would be asking to much. We can share the bed,I don't mind."

Y/n: "Oh uh sure that's cool too.

Y/n: "Holy shit Rias wants to sleep in the same bed as me...does this mean I'm getting laid.
Y/n no she's going through stuff right now.Stop being weird about it."

I was the first one to lay down into bed Rias just sat on the edge of the right side for awhile,looking out the window it was a full moon.

Y/n: "She so beautiful."

I just stared at her for what seemed like forever.Her hair blew slightly as a breeze flew in from my window.

Rias: "Are you okay?"

Y/n: I don't even know her but she rocks my world. No,dude she's just a friend plus her and Issei are a thing aren't they.Ugh that lucky bastard.

Rias: Y/n.

Y/n: The way you makes me feel.You really turn me on. You'd knock me off feet. My lonely days may be gone.

Rias: Y/nn!



Rias: "You were staring."

Rias: "At my face,but still staring..."

Y/n: "Sorry. I guess I just got lost"

Rias: I should get some rest I have a feeling tomorrow will be a long day.

Y/n: "Yeah"

I turned toward the wall I saw her shadow....She was taking off her Dress! Then she took of her bra and panties.

Y/n: God I know I don't pray much but bless you for this.

I felt the bed shift toward and as she laid done she got closer to me. Then she stopped. I waited 10 mins before looking back toward her.She was asleep naked!

Y/n: "This is cruel.God your dead to me."

After what felt like forever I fell asleep too.

Next time: Rias To Be Married!!,Sad boy hours or?

A/n Sorry it took me so long. I decided to take a small break for Christmas.Anway I'm back and I can't believe I broke 500 total views that's totally crazy and I wanna thank everyone that read even one word of this.So thank all of you y'all the true mvp's!!!

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