Liruliniel came to sit down, his seat was a fallen tree, the log was not comfortable to sit on but it didn't matter. She sighed and looked at the fire that was burning, over it there was a pot hanging. This was supported by a chain on the handle and posts around, keeping it upright. "What are you making?" She asked, looking away from the flickering flames to her sudden companion.

"Nothing that will capture your interest." He said, even waving the spoon at her which he had in his grasp from mixing his creation around.

Liruliniel raised an eyebrow with a tense smile. The dwarf looked the same before she quietly chuckled, his heart-warming laughter echoed out too after a moment. "That is probably true! I just thought I'd ask." Liruliniel said honestly, something that looked like a stew, let alone meat did not sound appetising in the slightest.

"Well, I have something to ask." He said, turning on the log with his hands on his knees. She nodded at him to go on. "You're the same elf that came to speak to my king, aren't you? Granted, you're a bit muddier, and you look knackered. But it is you, isn't it?"

Liruliniel smiled softly, "You're one of the dwarves which King Durin sent." Honestly, Liruliniel didn't know if any other dwarves were sent from other kingdoms. "But yes, it is me." She nodded, placing a hand to her heart and looking happily at the dwarf. "Liruliniel, my name is Liruliniel." She went on, just in case he didn't remember.

"Anvari, at your service."

"I hope that service isn't dinner." Liruliniel said quietly with a small pout tugging at her lips, Anvari burst out laughing again. She looked at him shocked really, how could he be so happy?

Anvari caught her look and sighed slowly. He looked back at the fire and seemed to get lost in the flames, his stew was bubbling away in the pot. Every now and then he'd lean forwards and stir it. "Do not get me wrong, lass. I laugh for those who cannot. If we can't show joy, or humour in the darkest of times, then I feel like we'd have lost. Truly, I do. We survived to continue on the stories of those that didn't make it. They lost their voices, so we speak for them, we laugh for them too." Anvari said, Liruliniel just stared at him, her eyes widened slightly as she quietly hummed and nodded. That was an incredibly poetic way of looking at it.

"I think I may use your outlook too, Anvari." Liruliniel said, wrapping her arms around herself and looking up when she heard heavy booted feet. More dwarves, probably lured by the smell of food and a conversation. They looked at her oddly, yet seems Anvari just shrugged they seemed totally fine with that as confirmation for her being no trouble and sat down too. "May I ask, did you lose many?"

"Aye, we took a fair battering. You?" Anvari asked, his face turning to look at her again. She looked saddened, he said, "Say no more."

Shaking her head, Liruliniel held her hands out to the fire. "I do not think we will have as many as we did when we set out. But then, I guess that is the same for everyone. We too have lost one ruler and gained another." Twiddling her fingers, she looked around. There was a small cluster of dwarves sitting around now, listening. "Hello, are you all from Khazad-dûm?" She thought she'd just ask.

"Aye, I remember seeing you standing in the great hall asking King Durin for aid. Thought you were a little gutsy, but clearly you are to have survived this hell." One answered, bowing his head slightly as he introduced himself as Harfur.

"I do not think I want to repeat this action, ever," Liruliniel said while watching Anvari dish up his meal. He passed her a bowl, and nodded. She got the message and passed it on, she did this a few more times before all the dwarves had a bowl of steaming stew in their hands.

Anvari placed a hand on her shoulder, Liruliniel looked at him. His hand seemed so large on her slender shoulder, it seemed very strange to her to also be this familiar with dwarves she didn't know. Maybe it was because she just acted normally they didn't deter her? "I do hope that within our long lives, we do not either." He agreed, he strangely toasted his bowl to her before picking up the spoon within it and commenced eating.

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