The One Where He Time Travels.

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This is a Tony centric fic so feel free to skip!

Also there might be some triggering themes in this so safe reading!


Tony scoffed angrily as he entered the meeting room. An emergency meeting was called which could mean nothing good.

Everyone was already there when he got there which was no surprise as he was almost twenty minutes late.

"So what's this about eyepatch." He made his way to his seat at the end of the table.

"Captain Rogers why don't you take this one." Fury rolled his eye as Tony kicked his feet up onto the table.

Tony quickly scanned the room, Bucky, Sam, and Steve sat on one side of the table and Clint, Natasha and Rhodey sat on the other, Fury was stood at the other end of the table.

He noted that Steve looked particularly happy.

"Well we don't know how it happened, but he managed to time travel here and we thought it it might want to see him before he gets sent back."  Tony sent Steve a confused look.

"Who-" Before Tony had time to finish his sentences a cold voice interrupted him from the doorway.

"I thought I raised you with better manners."

Tony sat up straight, both feet on the ground faster then anyone had ever seen him move.

His face void of emotion, he glanced over to the man in the door way.

Howard fucking Stark.

"I heard you stopped making weapons." Howard said as he moved further into the room.

"They hurt people." Tony kept staring straight ahead.

The rest were confused on why he wasn't happier on being able to see his dad again. From what Steve had told them, they assume Howard was a good man.

Surely he should be happier.

"It's rude not to look at people when they talk to you." Howard was stood a bit away from him but still too close for comfort.

"Sorry Sir." Tony turned to face his father, who looked please that he was still able to control him so easily.

"So, Tonya what have you done with that pathetic life of yours." Howard sneered.

The other gasped at the insult.

"That is not my name." Tony bit back bitterly. He could take all the insults in the world but no one is allowed to call him that.

"That's the name I gave you at birth is it not." Howard crosses his arms over his chest.

The other gasped again which gained Howard's attention.

"Oh? They didn't know what a disgrace you are." Howard laughed bitterly.

Tony looked down at his hands which rested on his lap.

"You need to leave." Tony couldn't bare to look at his team when Steve spoke.

He started to stand up, tears filling his eyes when Steve yelled.

"I said get the hell out Howard!"

Tony's head whipped up so fast he was surprised he didn't get whiplash.

"Wha-" Howard started but was interrupted.

"How dare you speak to Tony like that! Whether or not he was born a girl or a boy, he is a man and you have no right to say otherwise!" Steve yelled again.

"I am about 3 seconds away from cutting you intestines out so you better get the fuck out of here." Bucky pulled a knife out and was pointing it threateningly at Howard.

At some point Sam and Rhodey has both made there way to Tony and were trying to get him to stop crying.

"How can you call him a man when he is crying like a little girl." Howard sneered.

Clint and Natasha we're behind him in no time, putting him in hand cuffs so that shield could take him away.

Bucky threw the knife as a warning, he made sure it didn't hit him on purpose.

"Just because he's crying doesn't make him any less of a man!" Rhodey yelled as he gripped Tony's hand tightly in his.

"He is one of the bravest men I have ever met!" Sam yelled as well, arm wrapped tightly around Tony's shoulder.

"Get him out of here." Steve demanded, Clint and Natasha nodded and lead him out of the room with Fury close behind.

As soon as the door clicked shut behind him Tony collapse in a fit of tears.

Sam and Rhodey were pulled down with him.

"I'm sorry." Tony sobbed into Sams shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Steve moves so he was crouched in front of him, he lifted his face so that he could look him in the eye.

"Tony it's okay." Steve gently wiped away the tears while Bucky started running his hand through Tony's hair from behind to help sooth him.

"It's okay Tones. We got you." Rhodey squeezes his hand.

The sat like that for a while until Tony eventually drifted to sleep.

"We should take him upstairs n' put him to bed." Sam mumbled, Tony was still pressed up into his side.

"Yea I'll carry him." Steve whispered back.


Tony woke up the next day snuggled between the four soldiers and sure he probably should have mentioned he was trans at some point but he was just glad they didn't hate him.

And if you were wondering Howard got sent back to his time with a suspicious amount of bruises that no one seemed to know where they came from.


Steve x Sam x Bucky x Rhodey x Tony is a god tier ship and no one can change my mind.

(But like imagine them all giving Tony their dogs tags and I just love them okay).

Also trans Tony! This was inspired by another oneshot I read so shout out to them! I don't remember where I read it so I can't credit them :/

I hope y'all liked it although it went of topic pretty quick lmao.

On another note no one had pointed out the supernatural reference I made in the texting chapter yet smh.

Stay safe my dudes!

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