The One Where Hes A Romanoff.

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Peter loves his mum. I mean she was Natasha fucking Romanoff how could he not love her.

She was a badass assassin to most people but to Peter she was the person who tucked him into bed at night.

So when she goes on dangerous missions he can't help but be scared. Sure he loved spending time with his aunt may but she wasn't his mum.


Natasha and the rest of the Avengers (apart from Thor and Bruce who were on their honeymoon) had been on this mission for about a month.

They were all glad to be on their way back home but none more then Nat. She was practically bouncing in her seat she was so excited.

"Excited to go home Miss Romanoff?" Vision asked from his seat opposite her, he was helping Wanda clean up after there tough mission.

"I just miss home." It wasn't technically a lie, she did miss home. She just missed her son more.

"You seem more excited then Clint is to see his kids." Sam spoke from where he was driving the quinjet.

"Clint spoke to his kids last night." Nat stated plainly.

"Yea plus I'm used to not seeing my kids all the time since the divorce." Clint added. "Not that I don't miss them! I'm just use to it." He shrugged.

"Are you suggesting that Nat had kids?" Steve looked up from where he was sketching.

"No?" Clint panicked.

"Wait when did you get a divorce?" Tony changed the topic. Not because he knew that Nat had a son he was just bored of the conversation.

"When I told her I was gay and married Bucky?" Clint was confused. "You literally went to the wedding! You paid for it!"

"I did?" Tony asked.

"Tony, baby in the nicest way possible what, and I can not stress this enough, the fuck?" Loki looked up from where his boyfriend was braiding his hair.

"Yea it was when you and Loki first got together, you used the line 'I payed for the wedding yet I'm the only one not getting fucked!' And then Loki said 'Well something can be arranged.' And no one saw you guys for the rest of the night." Bucky supplied, his head in Clint lap.

Clint was happily running his hands through his husbands hair.

"Oh yea... that was a good night." Tony smirked as he finished off the braid in Loki's hair.

"I feel like we went of topic from Nat having a kid." Wanda spoke for the first time since getting on the jet.

"I don't have a son." Natasha quickly lied.

"She never said son." Steve was still sketching as he spoke.

"Neither did I." Why was she suddenly so bad at lying? She once lied her way out of a murder that the police watched her do! Why couldn't she lie about having a son!

"Yes you did!" Sam helpfully replied.

"I don't have a child!" She yelled.

"Then who's this?" Tony lifted up her phone to show her phone ringing. The contact was a picture of a teenager pulling a stupid face face with the name 'ребенок паук'.

Nat quickly grabbed her phone mumbling a quick no one before picking up.

"маленький паук, ты в порядке?" She spoke quietly. 'Little spider are you okay?'

"да, мама паук, я просто скучаю по тебе" Peter said from the other end of the phone. 'Yes mama spider I just miss you.'

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