The One Where They Find Out He Has A Son.

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Okay so maybe at some point Tony should have told the other Avengers that he had a child.

And maybe he should have told them he was married.

And maybe he should have done it when they first moved into his house.

But in his defence they didn't ask, so how was he supposed to know they wanted to know.

In all honesty if he had told them, he probably wouldn't have been in this situation and it would have saved him a lot of trouble.

Yet here he is in the situation he could have avoided all along if he was honest.


It all started when he and the original six minus Thor, plus Bucky were sitting around the common room watching a movie.

Everything was fine until Tony got a phone call, the others were confused since the only people who called him apart from Pepper were in this room.

And since Pepper was on a business trip in some country no one bothered to remember the name of, they would assume it wasn't her.

Well Bruce knew who it was, I mean it was his son on the phone.

Tony stood up from the sofa and walked over to the kitchen area before picking up the phone.

"Hey kid." He greeted, the others were confused on who he could possibly be talking too.

"Hey dad! Decathlon ended early and Uncle Happy is busy so I was wondering if you or dad could pick me up?" Peter, his son said.

The others, who didn't hear what the mysterious person on the phone said, waited for a reply.

"Yea of course, I'm not gunna let you walk home! Who do you think I am?" Tony chuckled.

The pair said their goodbyes and hung up. Tony turned to his secret husband who was waiting to see what their son wanted.

"Come on Brucie we've got places to be!" Tony smiled lovingly.

Bruce put down the book he had previously been reading down and followed his husband to the elevator.

"Wait a minute Tony!" Steve called from the sofa. "Who was the kid on the phone?"

"Sorry Capsicle thats classified." Tony had his classic smirk on his face as the doors to the elevator closed.

"Does Stark have a kid no one thought necessary to tell me about?" Bucky asked.

"No I did his background check myself if he had a kid I would know." Nat replied.

"Unless he didn't know either." Clint suggested. "He is a playboy after all."

"Used to be." Steve corrected, after everyone gave him strange looks he continued. "No one other then him and Bruce have access to his floor so I doubt anyone else has been in there."

"We could always ask Friday." Clint turned his attention to the ceiling, even though Friday would be able to hear him either way. "Who was Tony on the phone to Friday?"

"You do not have the clearance to ask that question Mr Barton." Friday replied.

"What? I thought we had the highest clearance?" The confused voice of Steve asked.

"No we have the second highest Bruce, Tony, Pepper and Rhodey have a higher one." Nat only received confused looks in return. "The only difference is they have access to the labs."

"Well that and they get to know who Tony was on the phone to." Steve added.

"We could just ask when he gets back." Clint said. "Or we could ask Bruce."

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