Chapter 26

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The video haunted me in my head over several times, someone unknown who's from my school, i wanted to know who but i couldn't at the thought of they were tons of teenagers recording us—me standing there with red liquid plastered on my face, and her with evil smirk, gladly it didn't record our conversation. If it did i would've die in embarrassment at this spot but not enough give me strength to go die that the unknown person posted on entire social media, i almost could've die in panic attack but it's better this way of me with liquid hovered over my face than nudity picture of me. I can't bear to imagine of someone have a nudity picture of me.

I dressed up simple but depressing, i had a dark beanie, gray hoodie and baggy jeans, it was normal to me but yet depressing clothes which my mom said it to me. You're clothes looks depressing. i hated the way she had that audacity to tell me, like using depressing words is never been okey to me cause i have been called; emo kid, depressed kid, quiet kid and mute kid because of my anxiety. Not like it's my choice to be quite, and mute, pushing people away out my own world, as so I never had good childhood nor good memories at my old school, it've been hell to me.

I decided to not ride bike today, instead rode my skater board to school, it's been years i haven't use my skateboard because of incident happen to Emma, i never had those enough confidence to ride my skateboard. She was the only girl who would boost my confidence whenever i needed the most. It took me 5 minutes to arrive as i flip my skate up to me with my feet and get ready to go my first class.

I got very wary when i opened my locker, and scared to know what's in there, other than the liquid thing, up until that day i needed to be more cautious and aware with everything whenever billie comes around me. I don't know what she thinking about in her head or what she have her in mind to embarrass me in front of every students, i just needed to be that girl who's afraid of simple things that comes to her. I put my skateboard inside; Thank god it's big enough to fit, as i took my books and notebook, then closed it. My first class was english.

The day went as usual, hearing lectures, writing and so on more, i couldn't find sophie around here, she wasn't there in english nor math, expects her friend were here hanging around me, i tried to call her—didn't pick up, send her message—didn't answer back for an hour now, I was kinda worried until sarah told me she's very sick at home so she doesn't usually go to her phone. I hope so.

When i tell you my day went as usual i saw billie everywhere whenever i go to my class, we both had a little eye contact until she break it, i tried to stay away from her as far as i can but it didn't went quite natural. This time she was in my desk as if expected me to sit next to her, i groaned at the sight of my class doesn't have more pair of desk, everyone had their own desk; Of course it will happen. I naturally sat down until she placed her right leg on my knees, i rolled my eyes slightly, sighed pushed her leg away.

Then she place it again.

"Can you stop?" I calmly said, glaring at her

She smirked "Beg then"


"Then i won't" She finally stare at me with the sight of her blue eyes that are glowing by the bright yellowish sun through the window besides us. I couldn't help how beautiful she was.

"I don't know why are you still sticking to me like a fucking slime" I clenched my jaw, crossing my arms over to my chest.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐆𝐮𝐲Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant