Chapter 3

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                               Peters POV

"Are we gonna die," Percy asked, shaking and breathing rapidly.

"No, we'll be fine, killing us would be too much paperwork," I smiled.

The truth is I don't know. I can go a while without food but water is a different story. We have been here for two days the average person can go three days without water, and two weeks without food. And with the amount of blood we've lost, we probably won't last that long.

I should have let Percy be, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have stepped in, if I hadn't all Percy would have had would be a bruised cheek. And now we're dying of dehydration. I just hated to see that monster hurting him. I can take it, I love these kids. I wish I was stronger, maybe I could have done something about all this. If I was stronger, would I do anything about this? I would be separated from all the people I love, and probably sent to a similar home.

My thoughts were interrupted by a blinding light.

"Out Brats." The Housemother screeched looking at us like trash, maybe I am I haven't had anyone tell me I was anything better since I was a little kid, that's gotta mean something.

I stood up leaning against the wall slowly moving towards the kitchen. I needed water. My head was spinning and my legs could barely support my weight. It felt like the walk to the kitchen took an eternity. I stuck my head under the faucet and laughed at the water, I drank until I felt full, I grabbed a cup filled it with water, and went down the hallway to Percy.

"Drink," I demanded.

I pulled his head up and brought the cup to his lips. He gagged on the water, but slowly drank it down.

I put his arm around my shoulder and stood up, it took all my strength to keep us both up. We made it to our bedroom and collapsed.

We slept until the others got home. Harry seemed surprised to see us.

"Oh my gosh! Percy, Peter," He exclaimed.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Percy asked.

"No, it's just- look at yourselves,"

I looked down to see my shirt littered with blood, but I looked a whole lot better then Percy his ankle should not be able to bend that way.

"Harry pass the rubbing alcohol please," I said with a pained grimace, I know this is gonna hurt.

I cleaned all my wounds, the best I could, and moved on to Percy, he barely flinched, I feel bad that all the kids in the orphanage had to grow up so fast; Percy should be playing with his friends, he shouldn't be in pain and bedridden.

The rest of the night passed smoothly. Harry stepped up, he got all of the kids to bed quickly and quietly. It wasn't long until my eyes grew droopy with sleep.

In the morning I woke up to Harry in my face.

"Are you going to school?" He said, with a sympathetic grin.

I groaned and rolled over, I knew I had to go, I didn't want to get expelled. My body was still incredibly sore, but today my tenth-grade class is going on a field trip to Oscorp Industries, I'm excited. Or I would be if my stomach didn't burn, and my face wasn't all bruised and broken.

"Yeah, let's go. Did you get Percy up?" I questioned.

"Yep, he's already downstairs," Harry smiled.

How in the world did that boy get downstairs with that ankle?

I inched my way downstairs continuing to feel sick after days of starvation, I found Percy holding Oliver while making breakfast, he was barely limping.

"Percy you look great! How'd your ankle heal so fast?" I asked curiously.

"I have no idea, I showered and when I got out I felt way better," he blurted looking at his feet and fiddling with his collar. Why does he look like he's hiding something?

"Okay, we have to leave for school right now. We don't want to be late."

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