Chapter 2

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                             Harry's POV
This was all my fault. If I was bigger and knew how to protect myself I could have stopped all this.

I can still hear them screaming Peter, Percy, Even my parents.

My parents died when I was a baby, apparently, a man was trying to kill me and my parents got in his way. He killed them. The only physical mark I have from that night is a little lightning-shaped scar on my forehead.

I was sent to live with my mom's sister and her husband in England. My room was a cupboard under the stairs. My uncle was an angry man, my aunt a disagreeable woman. He used to hit me. My cousin thought it was funny. One day when I was seven my uncle locked me in a closet and never let me out, it had been days without food or water. So I picked the lock, ran away, and hopped on a boat to America. The police found me starving in an abandoned warehouse. I told them everything, they sent me to this orphanage and contacted the police in England. My aunt and uncle were arrested and my cousin was sent to live with my uncle's family.

From what I heard from Percy, all the places he's been have been bad just like the Dursleys. If I left I would probably go somewhere worse, not only that but I would be separated from my siblings, I didn't want that. So I'm stuck.

Peter and Percy had been in there for 2 days without any food, water, or medical supplies. When the house parents pass out I sometimes go visit them and talk through the door, Percy fractured his ankle and Peter broke his nose.

I lay on my lumpy mattress, staring at the ceiling and thinking about all the ways I could do better. With Percy and Peter out of commission, I'm one of the older kids now, It's my job now to take care of the kids, make breakfast and keep them safe. I couldn't do that for Percy or Peter, I was stuck upstairs with crying children listening to my best friends scream in pain.

It's a quarter after one, I need to fall asleep. What am I gonna tell the teacher tomorrow when Percy doesn't show up 'my brother isn't here because my houseparents beat him up and stuck him in a closet?' No that's not gonna work. I'll go with the flu, I haven't used that one in a while.

My eyes close and I slowly fall into a deep sleep.

The next morning, I woke up and started my chores.

I silently made my way downstairs praying that the houseparents were still asleep. I found thin fruit strips jackpot, I thought.

I ventured back upstairs careful to avoid squeaky steps.

I went to Percy and Peter's closet knocked softly and slid the snack under the door.

"How are you guys holding up?" I questioned.

"Gnarly." Whispered Percy. What does that even mean? I'm gonna guess fine.

"Peter?" I ask. Scratching my nose.

"Great Buddy," Peter commented. Buddy? I'm not five. "How are you and the others holding up?"

He's in there injured and starving, and he's asking about us?

"I'm fine. Azalea and Eliza keep crying because they miss you," I stated, "Oliver took his first steps, Joseph is a really smart little man, his report card came back all A's"

"What time is it," Peter asks.

No, it's already twenty past six I gotta go feed the kids and wake them up before they get up.

"Gotta go," I exclaim, running towards the kitchen.

We don't have any eggs meat or bread. how do Peter and Percy do this? Expired Cap'n Crunch? That'll do. I grab twelve bowls fill them with cereal and wake up the kids as quickly and quietly as I can. I feel a tug on my shirt and turn around to see little Lucy.

"Excuse me," She says in the most polite voice I've ever heard. "But um, I'm lactose intolerant."

How could I've forgotten? We're out of cereal and all the other bowls are filled with milk but mine. "Here," I said pushing my bowl towards her. Why does she look so guilty?

"No you keep it, I'll be fine." She said looking at her feet.

"It's okay I'll just take yours."

"I threw mine away, because I couldn't eat it." She fretted. I hate to see her so upset over something so small. I'm hungry but I've gone longer without food.

"Take it," I smiled "I'm not hungry." She returned the smile, sat down with her friends, and ate I finished everyone's lunch but mine when I heard movement upstairs.

Time to go. I made sure everyone had what they needed and we walked out the door.

By the time everyone else made it safely to school, I was late. I sprinted towards class and made it just in time for the bell. Thank goodness. I sat, and the teacher began attendance.

"Perseus Jackson."

"He's not here," I reported

"And what is it this time."

"The flu," I replied.

She eyed me suspiciously and continued down the list. Phew.

I'm not terrible in school I could do better, but I could also do worse. I'm a glass-half-full kind of guy.

My science class ended, finally lunch. I get free lunch, I'm feeling light-headed so I need to eat now.


I see Brock and his friends walking up to me I hide what I can in my pockets.

"Hey, peanut brain. Ooh pudding," he grins, opening my pudding and scooping a big wad with his fingers and eating it. "What else you got little orphan Annie? Grab him," he says to nincompoop one and two.

They grabbed me while Brock searched my pockets. They took all my food. I haven't eaten in two days and they took all my food. I got angry.

"You Idiot! You think your cool bullying people just because they're smaller than you?" I yelled my forehead tingling. "Well, you're not you're nothing but an ugly, jerk who is so insecure that you need to bully people to make yourself feel better."

I didn't realize that he was across the room until everything fell silent. How did that happen he was 5 feet away from me I didn't push him.

I'm lucky none of the teachers saw me. Who would believe the tiny orphan could do that? I don't think I do.

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