
A few hours go by and Jisung decided to make some dinner himself and Minho. Jisung wasn't the greatest at cooking but he knew how to make some basic things. So he made some soup, perfect for the sick boy in his bed.

The older Minho batted his eyes open still feeling ill. He sat himself up and began petting his unnamed kitten.

"How are you feeling?" Jisung noticed the older was finally awake as he walked into his room with two bowls of soup.

"Gross.." Minho's cough starts up again.

The older then noticed Jisung was wearing a black mask covering his mouth.

"Is that really necessary?" He pointed out the mask.

"Since I'll be taking care of you I don't want to get sick." Jisung sat on the edge of the bed facing Minho.

"I'm not contagious." The older crosses his arms, wanting to see his little squirrel's face.

"We don't know that, safety first." The younger stated.

"Oh my gosh, just take off the damn mask." Minho leaned forward and pulled his mask off of the younger.

"My mask!"

"There, now I get to see your handsome face." Minho threw the mask across the room.

Jisung began to blush red as a tomato from the older's compliment.

The room was filled with silence as they ate their soup. Jisung couldn't handle the silence between the two so he decided to break it with a question he's been holding back since it might be a touchy subject to Minho.

"You know... I hardly know much about you. And I know it's none of my business but why did you really move in with your uncle? You have parents right?" He looked up at the older.

"I figured you were going to be curious about me. I trust you won't stop being around me, right?." Minho was terrified for the younger to know about his past, he didn't want him leaving him.

"Why would I? What ever happened it's the past and that doesn't change who you are now." Jisung gave the older a warm reassuring smile.

Minho felt a little more at ease seeing the younger's smile.

"But yes, I do have parents. And an older brother. I didn't really have a choice on living with my uncle.. my parents kicked me out of the house because I was always messing up, so they decided to send me to my uncle." The older looks down remembering his so called family.

"But your not a bad kid." Jisung was confused, ever since he's known Minho he didn't think he would be that type of person.

"I was different before I moved. I got caught up in the wrong crowd and did the things I did. My parents didn't care two shits about me and only cared about my older brother. I've been arrested for illegal activity and would even act up at school and get into fights. Later on I was starting to realize what I was doing and wanted to change things. So I got a lot of the people who I thought were my friends end up in jail and now one of them is back into my life because I put his dad in prison. And now his god damn sister is back to." Minho scuffed as he dreads the thought of Sunmi.

"But I shouldn't put all of the blame on those guys, I was the one who decided to mess up just because I wanted my parents to love me.. it never felt like they did. And my brother didn't help to much, he hates my guts. Yet my parents decide to put him on a pedal stool even when he isn't that perfect, there are lost of things he has done wrong that my parents don't know about. But there is nothing I can do now. I'm sorry I didn't mean to go on for so long." Before Minho could say anything else Jisung gave the older an embracing hug.

"What kind of parents are those!" Minho was surprised by the younger. "Just know I'm not going to judge or leave you."

"Thanks Jisungie." Minho hugged the smaller boy back. "Hey, can you do me a favor?"

"Hm?" He catches Jisung's attention.

"Don't be nearby or even interact with these two people, Jaewon and Sunmi. Okay?" Minho pulled Jisung away from the hug.

"Okay, but she is in my class. And may have taken me home from the store today.." Jisung gave a guilty smile.

"She what?! Hell no! Stay away from her! She is freakin psycho!" Minho was now furious at Sunmi, what was she trying to do?

"She seems pretty nice though." He tried defending the girl but instantly regretted.

"No! Just please stay away from her." Minho begged for his safety.

"Okay, I will."


"What's your guy's relation though?" Jisung was quite curious.

"She is my ex, but it was one sided love. I didn't love her but she loved me. Why? Is someone jealous?" Minho pulled a smirk leaning forward to the younger.

"Ah, n-no! I was just curious!" Jisung felt his checks heat up. "I'm going to wash the dishes now!" He quickly got up and grabbed the empty bowls.

Minho rolled his eyed with a smile, "wait! Can you feed the cat?"

"Yeah, have you thought of a name for her?" Jisung asked before he walked out of the room.

"I was thinking about Soonie."


Sorry if these past few chapters been boring just trying think of what I'm doing with this story.

Also happy late birthday to precious Jeongin!!

Also happy late birthday to precious Jeongin!!

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Have a great day!!! ~ 💜

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