Ch 23

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"Welcome to Loud Prom!"

The door opened wide for the guest of honor. The curvy teen looked on in shock, her eyes opening wide. Firstly, god dang Lincoln was handsome! Secondly, why was he so dressed up for a movie night? Her little man had swept back hair and the cutest tux on. QT on the other hand was wearing a tracksuit, a black and yellow tracksuit. She had no makeup on and, rather than styling her hair that morning, she had a lazy bun on. The only reason why she had her boots on was because they were better for driving and she knew she'd get to go barefoot during the movie. She brought with her a soft blanket, perfect for nuzzling, and a protein shake. Quinlan was all ready for a cozy evening with her lover.

So what was this about prom?

"W-welcome to Loud Prom!" Lincoln had been standing for nearly five seconds like an expert doorman. Still, Quinlan just stared at him. Her expression could be expressed with a single word: Huh? "Honey Bee, hehe..." Lincoln pulled at his collar. "P-prom...Y-yay."

"Prom?" The busty brunette finally voiced herself.

"Y-yeah...umm, come in." The boy who cleaned up well stepped to one side allowing the teen to enter.

Quinlan was greeted by several smiling faces, opposite to her still confused one. Inside the Loud house, furniture was removed to allow the front room to be empty. A makeshift wooden dance floor was light up by Lana flipping on a disco ball. A certain DJ kicked on a slow melody as several, possibly Christmas, lights lining the ceiling shimmered. A banner in the back read 'Loud Prom', welcoming her to the venue.

"Lincoln, what is all this?" The brunette teen asked without turning away from the spectacle.

"Prom," the white haired lad stood beside her. "Your prom."

"I'm sorry," Her eyes read the banner again. "I just don't get it."

"Well," the sole loud boy scratched his neck. "Remember way back when I asked if you wanted to prom?" QT nodded. "You never said you didn't want to go, you said we shouldn't go. And yeah, I get it. But you've never been one to pass up a good song."

"*Pfft*," Quinlan had to quickly cover her mouth before boisterous laughter burst out. "A whole prom just for me? Hehe. Just how amazing are you Lincoln?"

"Not as amazing as you, Honey Bee."

"Aww, come here you." Lincoln found himself lifted skywards straight into the ample bosom of his lover. "You're too good for me Lincoln Loud." His arms wrapped around her.

"Even if you keep saying that," he whispered into her ear. "There's no way I could fall anymore in love with you."

"Prove it." She dared him.

"No problem."

It was a little crude, but a sudden squeeze at a tender area caused Quinlan to let an unladylike 'eep' escape her lips. Lincoln was dropped to the ground and quickly got his girl to fall backwards. He caught her and lent down to give a smooch that made every woman in the room flush. After a solid few seconds he came up for air.

"How was that?" Lincoln kept his eyes half lidded. QT simply blinked in disbelief. "Uh, Honey Bee?" A drop of sweat dripped off Lincoln's forehead as his arms started to shake.

He was about to drop her.

Quinlan didn't care.

Her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him back into a kiss. Strength gone he collapsed onto her still maintaining the kiss. She was the one to end it this time. The brunette paid little mind that they were having their conversation on the floor.

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