Ch 17

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*ding dong*

The door to the Timber home rung. As no one else was home, the youngest Timber girl was left to open it. Her small heart fluttered in anticipation, although she did not fully know why.

It all seemed so familiar.

The young girl in blue leapt off the couch and rushed to her door. Peeking out of the side window she could see a boy her age with distinct white hair. She giggled at the fact he was carrying a bouquet of roses. Grinning, Cristina proceeded to open the door to greet her guest. The sound of undoing locks alerted the boy to the girl's arrival.

"Umm, hey Cristina. I know this upcoming Spanish project is going to be awkward since..." The chipped tooth boy waved the flowers as if he was about to elaborate but decided against it. His free hand scratched his neck and his eyes looked towards the sky in embarrassment. "Well you know. So I thought that should come and apolog-"

"Are those for me?" Cristina pointed to roses the boy held. A big grin stretched from ear to ear because she knew the answer.

"Huh? Oh! Yes. These are for you." The bouquet was presented to the curly haired girl. She giggled at the boy's nervousness. "I-i'm sorry about what happened."

"Apology accepted!" The girl swept the roses from the boy's grasp. Blue hem lifted as she spun in place while smelling them. "*Sniff* Ahhh... These are wonderful Lincoln." She looked up to the gentlemen in the doorway.

"It's a bit old fashion," Cristina snuggled into the orange collar of Lincoln's shirt. "but I like old fashion."

"I'm glad you like them... When did you want to-"

"I'm free tomorrow, we should go to a movie!"


"I meant for the project."

"Oh yeah," the young girl hid an embarrassed smile inside the many red petals of her gift. "You can come in now if you want."

"Um, sure." Lincoln's foot passed the threshold of the Timber abode. As if knowing the layout, he effortlessly moved to the kitchen. Cristina literally danced as she followed him. In the kitchen were several blank pages of paper detailing their Spanish assignment. Without acknowledging that his classmate had not sat down, Lincoln began reading the blank paper aloud.

In her own world Cristina performed several plies before floating down into a seat. She did not listen to the boy's words and solely admired his face. Her incessant giggling finally caught his attention.

"Cristina? What's up?" Lincoln asked with a gentle smile.

"Oh nothing *giggle*, just thinking." Cristina replied.

"Tell me."

"Oh just a wish I had."

"Tell me and I'll make it come true."

"Hmm, *giggle* I was just wondering if you could gi-"

The front door opened as if pushed by a gentle breeze. Clicking of boot heels on tiles came closer and closer. Lincoln quickly turned away from Cristina, a bright smile on his face to greet the new arrival.

"Honey bee!" The boy clad in orange leapt from his chair and in a single bound reached his target. Lincoln was swept into the waiting bosom of Cristina's older sister, Quinlan.

"Wait!" The young girl in blue called.

"I brought these for you, honey bee." Out of nowhere the boy produced a bouquet of roses. Cristina's eyes widened before glancing down to her hands. They were empty.

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