The girls cheek ruffled his hair a bit as she adjusted herself closer. Quinlan was unsure how to react. Yeah it was a bit creepy but he was just a kid trying to make amends. He messed up and at least he had the cojones to do it in person unlike a certain recent ex. People mess up. Not many fess up to it. He was at least admirable.

"Oh great." Cristina entered the scene carrying a couple of books with a pad and pen. "You trying to get a new boyfriend again?"

QT looked down to the boy and grinned. She pulled him into a hug and gave her sister a look that said 'maybe I am'. The girl groaned at the older's antics. Lincoln on the other hand had begun to heat up, face turning red, eyes widening in shock, the whole lot. The boy's reactions was quite the entertainment.

Cristina sat across from the two. She threw the materials haphazardly across the table. QT read as much of the papers as possible and from what she could gather it was a Spanish conversation assignment. Two people having an inane conversation in front of the class but what it did need was cooperation by both parties for a good grade. QT now could tell why the kid needed to ease the divide between him and her.

"If you are done messing with Lincoln," Is that his name? Not exactly original but rather unique. "Could we just get this over with?"

Quinlan was shooed away from the table much to her displeasure. She wouldn't mind teasing the boy a bit. She stayed in hearing distance of them from the comfort of living room couch, checking social media and such. Checking her status, she realized that she hadn't even bothered to change her relationship to 'currently in' for this last boyfriend. Perhaps she realized it wouldn't last. Scrolling down the screen she decided she had enough and solely listened to the study buddies.

"That was pretty close, you just need to accent the 'ñ' a bit more."

"You're actually pretty good at this stuff aren't you, Lincoln?"

"I've had a bit of practice, you're doing a good job too."

"Geez, I was seriously having trouble with this...Thanks"

"No problem, Cristina."

Lincoln seemed to be pretty smart. Cristina wasn't the best at Spanish but it seems he managed to help him. QT peeked back into the kitchen, the boy pointed to certain words and told her sister the proper conjugations. See sis, you just need to give him a chance.

Time went by, and eventually the white haired lad had to go home. QT wouldn't had mind if he stayed for dinner but she figured that he already made plans. He hadn't brought much so he was leaving quickly.

"See you tomorrow, Cristina." The boy adjusted the tongue of his shoe leaning up against the door frame of the front door. "And have a good night miss-"

"Quinlan." Cristina spun around seeing her sister giving the boy a wave. The young girl seemed stunned but Lincoln couldn't understand why.

"Then have a good night, Quinlan." Lincoln let himself out and headed home on foot.

There was silence in the Timber home as Cristina's shocked stare continued on. QT met her stare and gave a raised eyebrow back.

"Don't give me that Sis!" Cristina folded her arms in defiance. "Introducing yourself? Being a bit bold aren't we."

"Well he seems like a cute kid." QT finally responded to her sister. "You sure you don't want him to ask you out?"

"Eww! No, he's too dorky!" The sisters made there way to the kitchen.

"You seemed fine with him studying." QT commented looking through the fridge for ingredients for tonight's meal.

"He's good at Spanish is all, don't read too into it." Cristina began collecting her school supplies off the table. Shuffling her papers she looked over them one more time.

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