Chapter Seven: Reunion

Start from the beginning

'Looks like Karasuno's following me.' I think smiling to myself. My mind drifts to a certain crow and my stomach begins to flutter with butterflies. His smile, his eyes, his kindness and how he reminds me of an angel. I don't think I could ever get sick of his face.

A vibration in my pocket snaps me out of my thoughts. I smile when I see the caller ID and answer it,

"Hey Iwa." I say cheerfully.

"Hey (nickname), how are you?" He asks and I start picking up my bags.

"Tired, but very excited to see you both." I say chuckling lightly.

"I thought you'd be. We're coming into the car park now." He says and I scan the place, soon spotting their car.

"My knight in shining armour!" I say heading towards their car. I see Iwa get out and my walk turns into a run. I drop my bag just before I slam into him and give him the biggest bear hug I can manage. He goes stiff for a second before relaxing and hugging me back.

"Hey Iwa!!" I churp and he chuckles.

"Hello to you too." He says letting go and ruffling my hair. I let go too and smile up at him before going over to Mrs Iwaizumi and hugging her as well.

"Hello (y/n)-chan. How are you darling?" She asks and I smile at her,

"I'm wonderful now I'm with you guys." I say and we all jump in the car. Hajime puts my duffle bag in the car boot and I take my backpack into the back seat. I make sure to pull my sleeves down to cover my slightly bruised knuckles.

'Just so I don't get any questions about it' I reason and go back to the catching up with the Iwaizumis.

"So, how is the new school (y/n)?" Mrs Iwaizumi asks pulling out of the car park.

"Good, I have good friends and my studies are above average. I'm also a manager for the males Volleyball team, so I'm really happy." I say, stifling a yawn at the end.

"Hajime! You didn't tell me (y/n) got into the team." She scolds her son,
"I told you to keep me up to date with my girl." I laugh at her new definition for me.

"Gomen, I thought I told you mum." Hajime apologises quietly.

"Well, congratulations (y/n). I'm sure your family is very proud you got in." She says looking in the rear view mirror.

"Yeah, they are." I reply to her softly.

"I made sure Oikawa didn't know you coming to stay so he didn't stow away in the car when we came to get you." The ace says and I chuckle lightly.

"That does sound like an Oikawa move." I say getting more comfortable in the back seat. I yawn and grab my headphones putting one in my ear and putting the music on.

"I'm gonna catch some z's, wake me up when we stop." I say and they hum back to me. I rest my head on my hand and soon fall fast asleep.

~Time skip to Seijo~

"(y/n)... (y/n) wake up... (Y/N) FUJIOKA!!!" Mrs Iwaizumi yells in my ear and I bolt upright.

"Huhwhatwhosthere?!" I yell back, sticking my arms out ready to punch someone.

"Calm down (nickname). We're not going to kill you, we're just telling you we're home." Haijime says laughing at my half asleep state.
I feel my face heat up in embarrassment and I grab my bag, heading out into the fresh air.

"Ahhhh it feels so good to stretch after so long." I mumble.

"You got that right." Hajime says rolling his shoulders. I go and grab my other bag before we all head inside the house.

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