8. As Expected

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Hermione and Draco walked back in through the building doors to an anxiously pacing Rose. Knowing that he was about to be interrupted, Draco leant down to whisper in Hermione's ear "I'll be seeing you later." With a wink and a cheeky smile on his slightly blushed face he walked off towards the elevator.

Draco's presence was instantly replaced with Rose's. She engulfed Hermione in another insincere hug and said, "Oh my gosh Hermione! How was your lunch?"

Patting her on the back, before pulling away from her, Hermione replied carefully, "Yeah, uhh, uneventful reall- "

"Oh my gosh that sounds amazing! Did you keep your promise?" She smiled widely at Hermione.

Hermione couldn't look at her, instead becoming very interested in the potted plant next to her desk. She thought back to the moment they shared in the car and, instinctively, raised her hand to her neck.

"Uh yeah, I did," Hermione said.


"And," she took a deep breath, looking up to meet her excited gaze, "I'm absolutely sure you've got a chance."

Draco was elated. Grinning ear to ear he sat down in his office chair and waved his wand. A glass of whiskey landed neatly on his desk. "Hermione Granger" he mused to himself, slowly sipping his drink, "Who in their right mind would have thought." But, as he spent more and more time with her, he felt like he couldn't get enough of her presence. 5 years ago, Draco would have been disgusted at the thought of being around Hermione. Now, that's all he wanted to do, and he was going to do it right.

He leaned forward on his desk and opened the employee files on his computer. Scrolling down to Granger, H. he wrote down all the details he needed. He was going to make her his, but he wanted to do it in the most Malfoy way possible.First, though, he needed to figure out a way to find out exactly how she felt about him. He wasn't going to be hurt.

The next day, Hermione woke up and got ready for work in a daze. Nothing felt real to her anymore. Walking through the door, her daydreaming was, once again, interrupted by Rose.

"Hermione! Hermione!" She giggled, running to give Hermione a hug. She couldn't even think of a reply before Rose continued, "It worked! You did it! Mr. Malfoy came in this morning and asked me on a date tonight! At his Manor. Thank you, thank you!" She kissed Hermione on the cheek and ran back to her desk.

Hermione let out a deflated "Oh" As she stood, confused. They had made some unforgettable memories together so far, how could he be asking another girl on a date? She walked, defeated, to her office and sighed when she opened the door to the monstrous pile of paperwork on her desk. She shouldn't have been so naïve about the whole thing. He had never claimed that they were exclusive. They would never be anyway. This is exactly what she should have expected when she got involved with Draco Malfoy. Besides, he had said that he could barely stand being around her. I guess he finally decided that a Muggle was better company than a Mudblood.

These thoughts filled her head for the rest of the day. Draco was out of the office all day so she didn't even have the chance to talk to him. Instead, she got almost hourly updates from Rose when she would pop her head in and remind Hermione how many hours she had left until her date.

She couldn't be angry at Rose. She had no idea about what had happened between her and Draco. Instead, she feigned excitement for Rose, all the way until the end of the day when she bid her goodbye before setting off for home.

"Enjoy your weekend Rose. Have fun tonight, let me know how it goes." Hermione smiled at Rose as she walked up to her desk in the foyer, trying desperately so sound as genuine as she could.

"Bye Hermione! Oh my goodness, I am so excited!" She almost squealed her reply as she kept her eyes trained on the mirror in front of her. "See you on Monday!"

Hermione walked home without another word. Thinking of every boy she had been involved with, and how every. Single. One seemed to disappoint her in some way or another. But being disappointed by Draco Malfoy; that stung a little more.

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