1. Back Again

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AN: This is my first fanfic so please be understanding of there are errors. I would love to your feedback if there is a mistake or if you just like the chapter.

Third person pov
Harry was shaking. Knees to his chest, with his arms surrounding his head as it lay on top, he quietly sobbed. He didn't want to wake up Ron, Hermione, or any of the other Weaslsys.  He had another nightmare, but that wasn't anything new. This one seemed much more real.

It had taken place after Harry watched Snapes memories in a pensive. Instead of going to the forest, Voldemort came to the castle. He tied up all of the people in Harry's year, including Malfoy and Zabini, and called him to where they were in the Great Hall. Tom Riddle said he was either going to force Harry to kill them or do it himself. Harry couldn't because he didn't even have his wand. So, Voldemort started the Patil twins and slowly made his way around the room, muttering the same curse over and over. And after every person he killed, he told Harry it was his fault and he believed it. He was on his knees watching as they fell. Soon everyone was on the ground dead. That's when Voldemort turned to Harry and did the same to him.

He woke up in cold sweat and tears after his vision was full of a green light that was barreling toward him. He kept trying to tell himself that not everyone was dead and it wasn't his fault, but it sure did seem that way. He sat on his bed at the Burrow like that for awhile until his breath became more normal and he had enough energy to cast a Tempus charm. It was around 5:45 he decided it was a good enough time to get ready for the day ahead. Today was the day he was going back to Hogwarts. He made a vow to himself that this year he wouldn't be a problem to anyone. McGonagall wouldn't have to send for him to meet in her office, no professors would have to give him detention, Hermione wouldn't have to hound on him to do his homework, no one would be weighed down with his problems, and, most importantly, he wouldn't continue his rivalry with Draco Malfoy.

He knew Malfoy, or Draco he should say, would be one of the few Slytherins returning this school year as part of his punishment. Harry had spoken at Draco and Narcissa's trial this summer, telling the Wizengamot how both of them saved his life and if they hadn't, Voldemort could quite possibly still be at large. Narcissa had three years of house arrest and her wand was only allowed certain spells. Draco had to finish his schooling without any problems and he had limited spells also. That hadn't been the only event this summer. While Hermione and Ron announced that they had finally gotten together, Harry and Ginny did the opposite. Ginny noticed how Harry became more distant after the war and, to his surprise, was very understanding when he asked to break up. She was upset but they stayed friends despite this.

Harry walked out of the bathroom dressed in black jeans and a Gryffindor red shirt under a black hoodie. He walked down stairs, packed trunk in hand, and wasn't at all surprised to see Molly Weasly already up and making breakfast. He wanted to keep his thoughts from going crazy and make him space out so he decided to help. They made pancakes, eggs scrambled, over easy and hard boiled, bacon, sausage,and toast. Harry filled everyone's cup with water, with the exception of Mr. Weasly who always had coffee in the mornings with his paper, and placed them on the table with the food as Molly called everyone down to eat. There was a slight rumbling as they all hurried down stairs because it was well known in the Weasly house, that if you wanted lots of food and have it hot, you needed to be at the table first.

"Bloody hell, Ginny." Harry heard Ron call as Harry  settled in his usual spot.
"Well, next time don't stand in the middle of the stairs." Ginny replied back as she came into view at the bottom.
"Alright, enough of that. Just get down here and eat so you aren't late to the station." Mrs. Weasly scolded. Two "Sorry mum" 's were heard as Ginny sat across from Harry and Ron and Hermione came into view.
Ron, as usual, immediately dug in as Hermione began a conversation.
"I'm so excited, aren't you? I wonder if it looks any different after the repairs. Do you think they got any new books in the library?"
"I think it'll look the same." Ginny replied
"But where will us eighth years go. I think they made a new area just for us.
"What makes you think that?" Ron asked through a mouthful of food, earning him a snack in the back of the head from his girlfriend.
"Well, Ronald, we are allowed to wear Muggle clothes and we have no curfew. But if the younger years see us coming in the common room and dorms later then they are allowed, they will complain to McGonagall and start asking questions. She is smart enough to realize this and I think the eighth years having there own dorm is the perfect solution and that's what she's done."
"That makes sense." stated Harry speaking for the first time that morning.
"Mate, you can't honestly be taking her side." Ron groans.
"There are no sides. I'm just saying that none of the house dorms were made to hold eight years worth of kids so it makes sense for McGonagall to have made a separate area for us." Harry countered
"But what if we have to share room with a Slytherin." Ron was being his usual, complaining self, but that last comment rubbed Harry the wrong way. Ron knew all about how most of them were forced into this life like Draco, but he was still holding it again at them and acting as if they are all evil. Hell, Harry was almost put there.
"Ron, can't you grow up. We all went through the war and have changed since. Stop being so judgemental and prejudice." Ginny said noticing Harry 's discomfort.
"Fine, but if I have to share a room with Malfoy I-"
"Oh hush up Ron and finish eating. You kids still have to get dressed and grab all your bags." Molly stated, cutting Ron off.
"Your mums right Ron." Said Arthur, finally setting down the Daily Prophet and his coffee mug to join in conversation.
"Oh enough chit-chat. If your done eating get dressed and grab your trunks. If not, hurry up and eat, but make sure your full. Harry, dear, do you want seconds?"
"No thank you Molly. I'm quite full from your amazing food. I'm going to go up and make sure I've grabbed everything." Said Harry, grabbing his not empty plate and taking it back to the kitchen.
"I'll come with you, mate." said Ron "If I'm hungry late I'll eat on the train."
Instead of looking for his stuff, Harry began helping Ron pack his stuff away.
"Do you think us eighth years will still be allowed to play Quidditch? I mean McGonagall has to let me and you play because we weren't there at all last year." Ron said thinking out loud
"I don't know but I don't think I'll play."
"Why the hell not? "
"Because I'm only going back to finish my education and that's my only and main focus." In reality he wanted to get some kind of spotlight off of him because he had enough of it being the Savior of the Wizarding World and all. And if he had to give up his Seeker position for it, that was fine by him.
"You been around Hermione too long."
"Maybe I have." Harry said doing a little fake laugh.
"Boys let's go!" Called Ginny from below them. "Me and 'Mione are done already.
"Bloody hell. Harry where is your stuff?" Ron asked closing his trunk.
"Took it downstairs this morning. Now come on we don't need everyone yelling at us." Harry got up and walked back downstairs with Ron in toe.
"Oh hurry now, dears, and give me kisses goodbye before you leave" Said Molly giving them all her famous hugs and leaving kisses on all of their foreheads. Since the famous trip were all old enough they could just apparate to Kings Cross, walk through the barrier between platforms nine and ten, and the board the train. So that's what they did. With a few more bugs and goodbyes, the four of them apparated with a pop, with Ginny going with Hermione. Harry walked quickly, taking the lead in the group. He desperately wanted to find an empty compartment and hide away from all the looks being sent his way as they walked the on the  pavement next to the train hidden away from Muggles. But then he noticed all the looks filled with awe that were coming his way turned into hate and heads turned and looked past him. So Harry and his friends turned to see what made the mood change. And then he saw it. A tall, pale skinned boy with bright, platinum blond hair and stormy gray eyes.

It was Draco Malfoy.

Harry knew he was going to be there but he was still surprised. He had grow and good two to three more inches so now he was defiantly taller then Harry. He wasn't wearing his signature sneer but his facade was most definitely on. He didn't know what he was doing until he was standing right in front of Draco.
"Yes, Potter?" Asked Draco , confused, but he didn't show it.
"What? Oh, hi." Said Harry silently cursing himself for acting like an idiot. He also wondered why his heart was beating so fast and why his plams were beginning to sweat.
"Morning." Draco replied but not chirpy as it was supposed to be.
"Do you, I don't know, want to sit with us?" Harry pointed back at the group he arrived he with.
"And why would the Boy Who Lived Twice want me to sit in his compartment?"
"Well I want to call a truce on this silly rivalry between us. We are grown adults now and should act like it. Also we have gone through things no one should have to, which were much worse than what we've done to each other, and should act more civil toward one another." Said Harry gaining a bit more confidence.
"Ok, Potter" Draco stuck his hand out and Harry took it. But then Draco bent down and whispered in his ear which, for some reason, sent a slight shiver down his spine. Luckily, he didn't show it in body language or facial expressions.
"Just because I can't do anything to you because of the sentence, that you graciously gave me, doesn't mean I like you." Draco said, returning to his old self.
"I never thought otherwise. But I'll still call you Draco." The whistle on the train blew and Harry turned, Draco behind, and joined his friends. He didn't say anything, he just kept walking until he found a compartment. Harry didn't know why he said that last comment to Draco. Or why his heart stoped for a moment he felt Draco's breath next to his ear.
"Harry I'm so proud of you." Hermione snapped Harry of his thoughts.
"Thanks" He muttered back as he lifted his trunk overhead.
"And Mal-Draco I would like a truce with you too."
"I truly am sorry for what I called you all those years and what you went through in my house. " Draco said sticking out his hand.
"I know it wasn't you or your choice." Hermione then proceeded to jab Ron in the ribs to get him to do like she did.
"Malfoy, I will call a truce with you. I will not call you...Draco,'Ron said looked a bit green as he did," nor will I not be mean. But I suppose we could tone it down a little and not shoot hexes in each other's direction every time we make eye contact. "
"I whole -heartedly agree, Weasel" Draco said with a smirk as he once again shook hands with the last of his old enemies.
"Ferret" Ron countered
"Draco! Draco! Where did his skinny ass go?" Someone shouted nearby. Draco stepped back into the hall and found the person the voice belonged to.
"Damn, Pansy. Could you be any louder?" Pansy's head spun around so fast Draco thought she had gotten whiplash. They stared at each other with stone hard faces for a minute before she ran at him with such force that he almost fell when she pulled him into a hug. The two boys in the Golden Trio watched with mouths open. Harry felt slightly jealous that he wasn't hugging him. But that couldn't be right.

"So Malfoy, you two together ?" Ron questioned trying to be playful.
"Oh hell no. Honey, Draco is as straight as Hermione 's hair." Pansy laughed and then turned to Draco, "Come on. Blasie got a compartment. And we need to catch up."
Draco looked back to the people in the compartment he was just in and smirked. Making direct eye contact with Harry he said, "Bet you weren't expecting that one." Then he turned and followed Pansy down the hall.

Harry sat down on a bench, layed his head on the window, and drowned in his thoughts as he replayed the events of what just happened over the last couple minutes he was in Kings Cross Station. He slowly drifted into sleep as the scenery changed from buildings to trees. He didn't dream but the sleep was still restless. A soft shaking and someone whispering his name woke him up. He sat up and came face to face with Ginny.

"Thanks for waking me." Said Harry
"No problem." She responded. She was dressed in her Gryffindor robes, seeing as she was not an eighth year student. Harry didn't know why or how he fell out of love with her but he reckons it was all him. He is too broken to bring someone else down with him. He has done that too much already and that caused other people to die. He will always love her as a sister and has learned from her to do what makes you happy in the moment.

Harry stood up and grabbed his trunk and walked out to the fresh air. He didn't have to go far til he found his friends. They were talking with Seamus, Dean, and Neville. Behind them he could see the place that had once made him feel safe and warm. Now it made him feel cold and want to run the other way. He brought danger to this place. People died here and now they are to act as if nothing had changed. The place now made him want to throw up the little bit of breakfast he did eat this morning. This place made his self hate rise and he just wanted to sink into the ground beneath him and die. He wishes he was never born so that no one had to die. This placed fueled his nightmares and the voice in the back of his head that wouldn't leave him be. Harry couldn't believe he was back again.

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