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The Glaspy's were loving and caring, and kind. But staying with them was more uncomfortable than Michelle had thought it was going to be. She cried every night, and didn't eat much, and everyone noticed. On the 4th day she started getting out of the house everyday because she couldn't stand to be alone with Mrs. Glaspy and April another day. It was a rough time for the family, Mr. Glaspy had lost his job 3 weeks ago. He had found another one, but since he was new he wasn't paid half as much. Michelle felt uncomfortable because they couldn't really pay for another person to live there.
That weekend they had the funeral at a nice funeral home. Her parents had been cremated the day before. It was basically horrible, miserable, and very difficult to face all those people. Thankfully no one stayed long, and she was able to go back to the Glaspy's house. She didn't see any of her family there, of course, but she had thought Dexter would come.
After a a week and a half, and another miserable day of school, she walked to Cote Street. She hadn't visited the house since it happened. It was just a black skeleton, there was nothing. That was how she felt. Dark, hallow and empty. She sat down, leaning against it, head buried in her arms and started another good cry. She wished she could've talked to her parents once more. Everything had been so sudden, so quickly her world had vanished.
She heard someone approaching and stopped crying but left her head in her arms.
"Hey." It was Dex, he slowly sat down next to her.
"Why didn't you come? To the funeral?"She could barely whisper it.
"I did. But I stayed in the back. I didn't think that that was the right time to first talk to you about...everything."
She turned her head and look at him, he was tall unlike her, good looking, and terribly confusing.
"Why did you the first place?"
"No good reason. Stubbornness mostly."
"How were you stubborn? You were 13!"
"It was all dumb, and I regret it, especially now." He looked at her sincerely enough. "I am sorry about everything that happened, and if you want to talk about it..."
"Not happening."
"Ok. Just checking." There was a long pause between them. "So where are going to live?"
"I don't know. I'll probably end up in some girls home. You know we don't when any relatives who care whether or not I was in the fire."
"I thought you were staying with some friends?"
"I am, they only have their one daughter, but they can't really afford to keep me with them. I know they don't want to send me somewhere else. I wish it was easy..."
"Sometimes this world is so cold."
She paused then asked a empty question. "Where is all this hatred coming from?"

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