Chapter Three: Lifeline

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Chapter Three... Lifeline

*Amanda's POV- Back In Reality*

I was just about to step outside and get in my car to drive to school when the phone rang. Mom rushed to answer it, and I looked around outside. Sometimes my best friend Lucy would come and pick me up for school, and I was hoping she would today so I could give her her birthday present. She was younger than me, and had just turne eighteen.

I had one foot out the door when mom came rushing to me, looking worried.

"What's wrong, mom?" I asked.

"I think you're gonna want to sit down for this," mom said,gesturing towards the lounge. Oh God... what was going on?

"Mom, just tell me," I sighed. "I have to go to school, you know. I'm already late!"

"Honey, please?" mom said, once again gesturing to the lounge. I slowly walked over to the lounge and slumped down on it.

"Okay," mom began. "Lucy's mom just rang me. She was in a pretty bad car accident this morning. Just up the road from here. She was coming to get you, and swerved to avoid a car, and she hit a tree."

Tears welled up instantly in my eyes.

"Is she dead?" I asked, tears rolling down my face uncontrollably.

"No,she's still alive," mom said, wrapping her arms tightly around me. "She's in a coma, though. I'll take you up to see her if you'd like."

"Please?" I managed to say, sobbing on my mom's shoulder.

As we got in the car, my mind felt numb. My best friend... my Lucy... crashed her car. Lucy tended to drive a bit fast but other than that she was a sensible driver. And she crashed into a tree. Would she live? Would she be okay? Or would she be paralysed, or a vegetable, or something stupid like that?

NO! They had to fix her. She HAD to live. I couldn't bear it if she died. I couldn't live without my best friend.

Tears continued to stream down my face as we arrived at the hospital. Mom followed me as I searched for Lucy's mom. As soon as I spotted her, I noticed her five brothers all gathered in a huddle with their wives. Poor Lucy. If she dies, it will affect so many people...

Including me.

Lucy's mom wrapped her arms around me tightly, and tears kept flowing through my green eyes and into my blonde hair. I just wanted to wake up from my dream right now. I was pretty sure that Lucy would wanna wake up from it, too. I couldn't imagine what would be running through Lucy's mind right about now...

"Do you wanna see her, Amanda?" Mrs Hunter asked me with a weak smile. Her eyes were red from crying as well.

"Yes, please," I whispered.

I followed Mrs Hunter along a hallway and into the Intensive Care Unit. When we entered the room, I noticed how quiet it was in here apart from the constant beeping of the machines. I walked into the room that the doctor led us into, and my heart ached as I saw all the wires and tubes running from Lucy's still body.

Her complexion was paler than usual, and her lips looked dry and chappy. She had a tube running down her throat, helping her breathe. She had a bandage around her head, and I noticed her leg was broken, as well as her arm.

"They're gonna take her into surgery soon," Mrs Hunter whispered. "They have to fix her leg, and she's got some internal bleeding. She hit her head pretty hard on the windshield, but the doctors don't see anything wrong with her brain. They had to stitch her up. She doesn't have any spinal injuries, luckily. So she should be alright in that sense... If she ever wakes up."

Hy heart sank as I heard the words "If she ever wakes up..."

I couldn't imagine myself going to Lucy's funeral. No way. No.

I sank into the seat next to Lucy's bed, tears still flowing down my face. I numbly reached out and took her hand in mine.

"Please live, Luce," I whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek in a friendly manner.

*Lucy's POV*

Please live Luce...

I heard these words from somewhere in my head, and I froze. Amanda's voice, I recognised. I looked at Nick as I was about to enter his house.

"Lucy?" Nick asked. My hand felt all tingly, and so did my cheek. This was weird...

"Amanda..." I gasped in a whisper.

"Amanda?" Nick asked. "What are you talking about?"

"I could hear Amanda's voice," I explained. "And I felt her hold my hand... and kiss my cheek..."

"Okay..." Nick frowned.

"From my world, I meant," I explained again. "I know it sounds weird, but at least I know I'm still alive there..."

"Well, you're probably in hospital where you come from," Nick told me, walking in the door. I followed him closely. "I bet you're in a coma."

"Well then why am I here?" I asked, frustrated. "How did I even get here?"

"Believe me, I wish I knew," Nick sighed.

Nick led me up a flight of stairs and into his bedroom. I wondered why he was bringing me in here...

He walked in the door, and slowly moved to the cupboard. He retrieved a large box from the cupboard and sat it down on the bed. Then, he opened the box and sank onto the bed himself. I slowly walked over to where he was, looking at him intently. He took a deep breath, then pulled something out of the box.

It was a necklace that belonged to me.

"This..." Nick began, shaking slightly. "Was all the things that were here when you died. This necklace I found in the bathroom a few days later. You had flipped out the morning you died because you couldn't find it, and you thought my sister Nina had taken it. You even got into an argument with Nina about it, because she used to borrow your stuff all the time. It was like you were her sister..."

"Because neither of us have a sister," I finished with a smile.

"Exactly," Nick smiled. "Oh, you were a great girlfriend. I loved you so much..."

I could feel Nick's pain when he said that. I wanted to kiss him, but I didn't know this Nick, and he was in love with a fifteen year old me that died on his property. It was weird enough already! I just wanted to go back home. I just wanted to be alive again...

Well, technically I was in a coma. Or at least that's what Nick had told me. But desperately, I wanted to start the day again. Had my selfishness made me crash? I wasn't a bad driver, but my parents had bought me an expensive new car and on my first drive in it, I ran it into a tree!

What I wouldn't give to go back in time and start over! I would be less selfish... I would become less spoilt...

Nick handed me the necklace, snapping me out of my thoughts. I put it on, and Nick smiled.

"So why am I wearing this?" I asked.

"Because," Nick said. "We have to go find your family. See if we can get you back to where you belong."

Once again Nick took my hand, and I could only wish that I had asked him out years ago...

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