Wonho: He did, and this is also not the time to blame others, right now we need to fix the bus as fast as we can and try and leave this place as soon as possible.- He said going in to check the motor of the bus.

Hyunjin: I'll help Max keep on watching out for more Rotters coming.- He said climbing onto the roof of the bus.

Hyunsuk: I need to go look for him..- He said trying to stand up.

Em: No, Chan told us to stay and that's what we are going to do, let's keep looking for stuff.- I said setting him back down.

After some hours Wonho finally managed to repair the bus and we had filled all of our gas containers for the trip. I kept looking around when I found Changbin inside a jeep.

Changbin: Hey Em, check this out.- He said as he opened the passenger's door for me to go inside.

Em: Sick car, does it work tho?- I asked looking at the backseat and all the controls at the front.

Changbin: Let's hope it does...- He said turning the ignition key to start the car.

He tried once....then another time.....then... IT WORKED.

Em: OH GOD IT WORKS!!- I said excitedly as I squished his arm.

Changbin: I've always wanted one of this.- He said as he tried to move the car out of the road which worked perfectly.

He drove both of us back to the other guys who looked at both of us confused.

Em: Hey guys, look what we found.- I said rolling the window down.

Jeongin: Wow, I want to drive it!- He said excitedly.

Changbin: First, you don't know how to drive, and second, you won't drive this since I saw it first so its technically mine.- He said turning the key to shut it down as we finally got off from it.

Karen: They haven't come back yet..- She said out of nowhere.

Mashiho: We should make a campfire, if the guys are still out there they surely won't be able to find us since its so dark.- He said and most of us liked the idea.

Max: And we can finally eat.- He said as he sat looking out.

Hyunjin: Yeah that's a good idea, me, Mashiho and Yedam can go and gather some wood for the campfire.- He said.

Em: I'll prepare the food.- I said as I went for the cans that we had to make soup for everyone.

Felix: I'll help you.- He said as he took the box out of my hands.

We found a big pot in another box and we started emptying the cans into it, after some more minutes the guys came back with pieces of wood. We got them all together and we placed some rocks circling the wood, we looked in each other's bags till we found some matches in Riss's bag, we sprayed a little bit of gasoline on top of the wood and we threw a match on it.

Jeongin: Good work guys.- He said as he grabbed a metal thing to put the pot in.

I placed the pot on top trying to not light myself on fire, then I went to look for a metal spoon.

Karen: Looks like we have dinner.- She said smelling the soup that was now getting warm.

Hyunsuk: But still the rest hasn't come back...- He said stressed out.

Max: Not for long, they are coming.- He said looking with a flashlight.

Mashiho: All of them?- He asked with hope in his eyes.

Max: 3 of them.- He said sighing.

They started getting closer, I saw how exhausted they all were.

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