A Scholar and A Gentleman

Start from the beginning

"Can you tip your head up? I'm going to put the towel on your face."

He eyed the towel suspiciously but complied.

She pressed the towel to the lower half of his face with a silent laugh. She set a timer on her watch for five minutes and sat on a log nearby. As she waited, she observed him for the millionth time. Her eyes started at his feet. It was a curious thing. He had been barefoot his whole life and yet his feet didn't look terribly damaged or calloused. That was one of the many mysteries about him. Her eyes continued up his legs to his thighs. His loincloth wrapped securely around his crotch and behind. She knew that he washed it every day in the river nearby which made her feel like she must smell to high heaven. Since her injury, she hadn't washed her clothes at all and refused when he offered. She felt embarrassed that he would see her undies. Her eyes lingered for a moment on his loincloth then up to his abdomen and chest. He had some scars scattered on his chest but most of his scars were on his arms. She looked at his arms. He had gotten most of them defending his family and a few from defending himself from Sterk. His posture was relaxed but she knew that he was always alert for danger. Her eyes moved to his face.

His eyes were on her. She felt a blush on her face. How long had he been watching her? Had he seen her checking him out? She popped up at her watch's beeps. She strode over and removed the towel. Grabbing the scissors she leaned close to him to begin.

His low voice intimately brushed her ear. " What were you thinking about just now?"

She fought a shiver and shrugged. "How to cut your beard. Now shush and let me work."

He hummed in response and closed his eyes.

The lie flew out because it was easier than the truth. What was she supposed to say? I'm falling in love with you? Nope. She cut down his beard until it would be fairly easy to shave with the knife. She took a step back and looked him. His eyes were still closed and that was a good thing. If she thought he looked handsome with an unruly beard....he was even more so with a trimmed one. She could see the masculine shape of his jaw and his throat. She took a deep breath and got a little bit of soap. Her hands created a lather that she then smoothed on his beard. She wiped her hands off on a dry towel and got the knife and wet towel she had used earlier. She draped the towel over her arm and began to shave his beard carefully. She had been concentrating on the task that she hadn't seen him open his eyes. She finished one last area on his neck and lightly brushed her fingers over his bare adam's apple. To her surprise, it bobbed up then came down. Her eyes rose to his. He looked at her a thousand times but her heart never stopped racing every time their eyes met. As if she was in a trance, her fingers continued up his throat and to his face. She traced his jaw and lips gently. His lips curved up under her fingers. Her eyes widened. Shit. Now she was a goner. Two dimples appeared on either side of his smile.

"So, what do you think?"

His voice tore her out of her worship of him.

She cleared her throat and rose quickly. " It looks good. I mean, you look good. I mean, nice. You look like a proper gentleman." She fumbled through words.

He smiled again and got out of the chair.

"I'm glad you think so. I was afraid you'd hate it." He teased.

She gaped at him as he chuckled and walked over to gather everything. He had just started to make jokes and learn sarcasm but teasing was new. She clucked her tongue and helped him get everything inside.

After they had put everything away, she was sitting on the bed rereading notes she had written about the jungle when Zane approached her. She looked up from her book at him.

" I am ready to go to my family. I want you to know that I will do my best to find your ape friend and come back quickly." He was giving her an intense look as he spoke.

She struggled not to squirm under his stare. " I appreciate you doing this. Really. Take care of yourself, please."

He continued to stare at her as he nodded. " I will but it's you I worry about. You will be alone without my help. I....I need to do the same thing as before..." His voice had lowered to almost a whisper.

Her body shivered as she realized what he was referring to. Her brows came together.

"Why? What does it mean in ape?" Her voice was curious.

He stepped closer. " It doesn't mean anything to apes. My family doesn't do that. I cannot explain why but I know it will help me find you quicker in case we are separated." He lowered his head and watched her from under his lashes.

A hunter's gaze. The thought flew in her head. She gulped nervously as she contemplated it. She wasn't sure if it was because she wanted him to or because of how he was staring at her but she finally nodded in agreeance. A relieved sigh escaped his lips. In a blink of an eye she was flat on her back against the bed. With his body over hers. His arms wrapped tightly around her. His face buried into her neck. Rubbing his face vigorously against her. This time he wasn't as gentle but she didn't mind at all.

In fact, the harder he rubbed, the more she struggled not to moan. It was an explosion of sensations just like the first time. The heat of his body pressing into her. His stubbled jaw against her smooth skin. Not to mention he was making a sound that she could only compare to purring. A deep humming noise as he rubbed. She released a gasp as she felt his tongue join in. He continued to lick her as he rubbed. She bit her bottom lip hard. She was sure that if he continued, she'd had an orgasm. Which was absolutely crazy. They weren't having sex. A tingle raced through her. Just as she thought the moan she had been holding in would fly out, he released her. She was a heaving mess on the bed. She felt too hot in her clothes. She sat up quickly and saw him by the window. He was facing the window but she could see that he was breathing heavily too. He turned his face to her. His pupils were dilated.

"I will return soon. I promise." His voice came out low and rough.

She nodded, unable to speak as she watched him leap through the window. She flopped back on the bed and wondered about his need to do....whatever that was that he did. She decided to comb through the Barnett diary again as she got up and closed the window.



A/N: Phew! Those lines are blurring real fast for these two, huh?

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