Blake 1

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Overprotective Blake x little sister reader


“Blake! Look!” you said, running up to her in the cafeteria. She looked in your hands, and in your grasp was a little origami hibiscus flower. You smiled up at her.

“It’s beautiful, (Y/N).” she said.

Blake moved over for you to squeeze between her and Weiss.

Cardin came up from behind you and grabbed it.

“Aww, a wittle flower?” he teased, making your face go red and your ears lean back.

“Give it back, Cardin.” Weiss said, standing up to face him. “(Y/N) made it.”

“Aww did she??”

“She said give it back.” Blake stood up and faced him too, grabbing her weapon.

“Or what?” Cardin scoffed.

Blake grabbed him by the neck and flipped him over her and onto the table. She pressed her hand tighter against his neck, cutting off air.

“Where’s the flower?” she growled.

He pointed to his teammate, Dove, who was shaking with fear.

She walked over to him and held her hand out. He dropped it in her palm. Blake walked over to you and put it in your ear. She smiled.

“There!” she said, and she led you outside.

“Thank you for standing up for me.” you said.

She noticed Dove behind you, and she pulled you into a hug.

“Don’t worry. I’ll kill them slowly if they try again.” she said, staring him down.

He backed up and ran inside the cafeteria, leaving you to have no idea he was going to attack you.

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