Chapter 7

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It was now later on. I was in my room in the Capitol listening to music, trying not to think about the Games.

Still, my mind wandered.

What was happening between me and Jamie?

Why am I acting so insane?

What if Hydra is trying to control me again?

I shook my head as if there was a way to shake these thoughts out of my head.

I had so many questions and no way to answer them, so I just decided to fall asleep.


I was back in Hydra, in a room I knew all to well.

The torture chamber.

I was on that horrifying table once again.

I tried to get up, but I had restraints on my arms and legs.

I looked around the room, looking for a way I could break free, when I noticed there were weird colorful liquids flowing into me.

The feeling of dread and fear rolled into me again, as if it had never left.

"STOP!" I screamed, my mind finally grappling the situation.

My whole body ached as it became more intense by the second.

Then in a blink of an eye, there was a glass window facing me on the other side of the room.

There was a tall blonde figure there.


His blue eyes bore into mine, but instead of showing love like they used to, the showed hatred and disgust.

Suddenly, another figure appeared. 


She was shorter than Jamie, but her brown eyes showed the same look as Jamie's.


Then another figure appeared behind them.

President Snow.

Jamie looked back at her as if he was asking her permission, but his lips weren't moving.

She nodded her head, and Jamie pushed a lever, showing no mercy.

The already excruciating pain intensified.

I heard a blood-curdling, horrific scream.

My scream.

I blacked out.


When I awoke, I was back in my room in the Capitol in a pool of sweat.

I sat up and tried to calm down.

It didn't work.

My breathing shortened, and I felt myself begin to have a panic attack.

I couldn't take it.

I screamed.

Finn came rushing into my room, practically knocking the door down in the process.

He sat next to me as he wrapped his arm around me and whispered sweet things into my ear.

As my breathing slowed he began to rub my back.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nightmare," I whispered, my voice practically gone from the screaming.

" Hey, lay down" he whispered in a soft voice.

I obeyed, and layed on my side, my back facing Finn.

My stomach started to get a panicked feeling again, and I quickly flipped over, laying on my back.

Finn giggled as he brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

"It's weird seeing you with your hair down," he said with a small giggle. "How come you don't wear it loose more often?"

"Cause I get sweaty!" I giggled back, my sleep deprived brain kicking in.

We were silent for a moment.

I began to fall asleep, and Finn stood up.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him down. "Finn please stay," I whimpered.

"Always," he said with a smile as he crawled into the other side of the bed, pulling the sheets and blanket to his side.

"Hey!" I said giggling, pulling them back.

The silly banter went on for a while until we both tired ourselves out and fell asleep.

And then, I felt a soft pressure on my cheek, a feeling I cherished.

A kiss.

Finn kissed me.

Hey dudes,

Long time no see! Sorry I've been such a failure and haven't updated in a while, I'm really sorry.

I'm going to try to post more frequently now (at least once a week) so get excited!



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