Chapter 2

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I had to get home. 

I had been in the woods all day, thinking about my past.

I had to "get ready" for the reaping.

It's quite funny really, I have to look pretty for the people who ruined my life.

I ran home. Over the course of the day, I had made it very deep in the woods. Suddenly, I crashed into someone.

"Ow!" he screamed. "Maggie?!"

"Oh shoot!" I yelled. "I'm so sorry Finn!"

Finn Mckalister is my best friend here in District 12. We told each other everything, and he helped my get over Jamie. I still missed him terribly, but as far as Finn knew, I was fine.

"Getting ready for the reaping?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said, dragging out the h.

I knew he noticed my fear, no matter what I did, I knew he would find it.

"Don't worry about it, there are so many kids here in District 12, what are the odds of you getting chosen?" he stated.

"Your probably right......," I whispered with a slight smile, trying to cover up my fear, better this time. 

"Now go," he said, pushing me playfully.

"Fine," I said, playful rolling my eyes as a had begun to get ready to run again.

I began to run again, enjoying the sweet smell of the forest one last time, just in case.

When I arrived home, I heard the sounds of my dad getting ready in the bathroom.

I decided to leave him alone, and get ready myself.

I bathed, brushed my hair and fixed it into a braid, as usual. I put a dress on, the only dress I owned. Even though I've never really liked dresses, this one was nice. This dress was lavender purple, and ended around my knees. Feeling brave, I looked in the mirror.

I looked almost pretty for once.

I felt sick.

Just as I was finishing, I heard Dad exit the bathroom. He was wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt with black pants and a brown belt.

"You look nice Dad," I said with a smile.

"Aw doll, you look gorgeous," he said, as he walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"I love you so much," he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too" I whispered, holding tears back.


We walked into the gathering area, and Dad and I parted ways. Dad joined the rest of the adults as I entered a long line of kids to get our fingers pricked.

I wasn't fond of getting my finger pricked since the sight of blood made me queasy, but I did it anyway.

After that, I saw Finn in a row of other children and I joined him.

Then a woman with a mess of long blonde curls came on stage. She was wore a long, gold dress with stars all over it. 

She looked like an angel, but how could she be if she was from the Capitol?

She walked up to the microphone, and Finn reached for my hand. I reached back and squeezed it.

"Hello people of District 12!" she chirped. "My name is Daniella Treasure, and welcome to the first annual Hunger Games reaping for District 12!"

She then played a video about the Dark Days and how they Capitol was so great and stuff.

I hated it.

"It is now time to choose the brave children to enter the arena!" she yelled.

I stared at the bowl for the female tributes. I didn't know how many times my name was put in there, but I knew it was more than once because of my age.

"Normally we would choose the female tribute first, but since this is the first time we are doing this, I will choose the male tribute first!" she chirped.

Ugh. I hated how peppy she was.

She reached into the bowl and mixed it around.

She picked up a folded piece of paper, determining the horrid fate of one poor boy from District 12.

Please don't be someone I know. Please don't be someone I know. Please don't be-

"Finn Mckalister!"


Everyone looked at Finn. 

Finn let go of my hand.

I needed to say something.

"Finn, don't leave me!" I cried.

" I'll never leave you. Stay strong," he said, trying to hide his fear.

He kissed my hand and walked up on stage.


This isn't happening.

I hardly heard Daniella say she was picking the female tribute.

I barely heard her put her hand in the female tribute bowl and mix it around.

I didn't hear her pick a name from the bowl.

But I finally heard something.

I heard her open the piece of paper and same the name I was praying I wouldn't hear.

"And for our female tribute, Margaret Barnes!"

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