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The next day Peter decided to have a BBQ so we could tell everyone. I made sure to Skype Tahiti when we told everyone. If everyone found out before her she'd kick my butt. Everyone gathered around and the table to eat and Peter stood up. "So, family and friends, we have an announcement" he says standing behind me. Then he starts to rub my belly and yells "We're pregnant!!!" Everyone yells in excitement. "Alright, my little bro is gonna be a dad" Eric says and hugs him then he hugs me "Congrats little sis." Tahiti is yelling at me through the phone. "Oh my gosh does that mean I'm gonna be a god momma?" I smile at her and say "You know it!" Everyone hugs us and congratulates us. "One more thing! Do you wanna tell them out should I?" Peter asks. I could tell he was so excited to share this. "You go ahead baby" I say and without hesitation he says "We're having twins!" Everyone is so happy for us and seeing Peter so excited about it made me so happy. I couldn't wait to hold our little munchkins.

Baby day:

I woke up early and got in the shower. When I'm finished I turn off the water and just as I'm about to step out I feel a stream of water. I panic at first but then I turn the water back on and rinse off. I step out and get dressed and then go to wake Peter up. I shake him a little and say "Baby, my water broke" he looks at me and nods his head and goes back to sleep. I stand there looking at him with my arms crossed then I see the covers fly off and he jumps out of the bed in a panic yelling "Your water broke? What do we do? Are you okay?" I can't help but start laughing. "Baby, why are you laughing?" "Peter look at you, I'm fine baby. We just need to get to the hospital. Grab the hospital bag and let's go." I say and kiss him on the cheek. "How are you so calm? Aren't you in pain?" "No, my contractions haven't started yet" I said and that seemed to calm him down. "Oh, okay." He slipped on some pants, a shirt and his shoes. "Let's go have our babies" he said smiling and grabbed the bag in one hand and my hand in the other. Then we head to the hospital. We didn't know what we were having. We wanted it to be a surprise so we were both anxious. We get to hospital and they take me to my room. My contractions are hitting pretty hard now but I didn't want to take any of the drugs. I wanted a natural birth. Our room door was open because nurses were coming in and out. I could here some of the other women screaming. "Peter, can you close our door?" I ask him in an irritated tone. He gets up and closes it and he's laughing. "What's so funny?" "You baby? My wife is a trooper! Unlike those women" he says with a smile. I smile back at him. "I sure am. I gotta be to be married to you" I and wink at him. "Freak" he says and laughs. "You weren't complaining when you were putting these babies inside me" I say and he laughs. "I'm not complaining now baby. I love you so damn much!" He grabs my hand in the exact moment I'm having a contraction and I squeeze it tight. "Sorry baby, that one was a big one" I said to him. Just then the Dr. came in and checked my cervix. "Okay honey, it's time to push" she said. About half an hour later it was all over. I had given birth to two beautiful babies. One boy and one girl, just like Peter wanted. He was sitting next to me smiling, some tears rolling down his cheeks. I held our son and he held out daughter. "You did good baby, our kids are beautiful " he says. "No baby, we did good" I say and kiss him on the cheek. "LaLa can we name her Bernadette?" "Of course Peter. I was thinking Bernadette Rose Hernandez. After your mother and mine" I said and smiled. "I love it babe. What about him? Can he be a Jr? Pleeeaaase?" he asked and I giggled. "Whatever makes you happy my love" I said and kissed him. "I love you Peter Hernandez, always and forever" "I love you more Larissa Hernandez, forever and even after that." (A/N:There is part two to this!)

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