3: Operation Blinding Fall

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"The exact purpose of the devices... is unclear, but... given our observations... a number of uses have been proposed: nanomachine receptacle, medical implement, or, perhaps most chillingly, research device. They do, however, have some form of self-defense mechanism that renders them inoperable, so quick sampling is critical to further research."
        -excerpt from briefing on Large Samples 2 and 3

Zhao's balaclava protected him from the cold streaming through the open ramp, but it was immediately soaked upon entering the rain. He immediately decided that Britain did not agree with him. His shotgun had finally been transferred, and he was immensely glad. Urban combat was just wrong without one.

Roberts, beside him, cradled his marksman rifle with equally apparent pleasure. The man found a comically stereotypical cowboy hat, although its efficacy in today's weather was questionable. "Could you be any more Texan?", Zhao recalled asking on the flight.

The big American had just laughed, and then leaned in as though to tell him a secret. "I'm from Arkansas," he said in a stage whisper. From accross the plane, Larsen, who they now knew went by the first name Kari, rolled her eyes.

Marina Vinogradova, their replacement for Kuznetsova, just ignored them. She checked and rechecked the ammo on her rifle, almost a nervous tic. She didn't even look up. "So," asked Roberts, "Are you our replacement Russian?" That did get a rise out of her. Merely a look, but a rise nonetheless.

"Ignore them," said Larsen. "They're morons." They shared a laugh at that.

In the rain the cemetary was spooky. Zhao, Marina, and Larsen formed a line advancing towards one of the orange, mist-emitting pylons, with Roberts bringing up the rear. The overpowered rifle was slung across his back, and he carried a pistol in his hands.

Larsen approached the glowing pylon, but before she could even get close the screech of the little aliens made her dive for cover. Marina dashed to the side of a small crypt, trying to flank, as the iridescent projectiles screamed past Larsen's head, raising hairs on the backs of her arms and trailing steam where the rain struck them.

Roberts' pistol and Vinogradova's rifle both drilled into the lead alien, dropping it. The other dashed off to the side, finding cover behind one of the monuments scattered around the area. Larsen's shots struck it as it moved, and suddenly the air was shattered by the sound of the giant rifle, and the only sound was the rain for a moment.

"Two kills confirmed," yelled Zhao.

"Did anyone else see that glow?" asked Vinogradova.

"Purple, coming from their head? I think so." responded Roberts. "Disappeared when we got that first one, though."

"Command," began Larsen, "can you confirm that that showed up on your telemetry?"

"Affirmative," came the voice in their ears. "Whatever it is, we've got people reviewing the footage already. Stay frosty down there, ladies and gents."

"Copy that," answered Zhao. "Moving to the center of the cemetery."

As they approached the large masoleum, they again heard the call of the bizarre little aliens, like ghosts in the night. The shrine was symmetrical, with an open door on each side.

"Marina, take the other entrance!" yelled Zhao, lining up in the doorway with his shotgun. Larsen scored a bullseye from her post just outside, but the shotgun blast missed the little being as it scampered out the open door behind it, just in time for Zhao to run around the side of the building and fill its surprised, overlarge skull with birdshot.

"Two more down," he said. "Are they moving in twos, or is it just me?"

"They are," answered Kari, reloading as she followed him through the larger shrine. "Is that another one of those orange things?"

"The mobile labs? Yeah, I think command wanted us to get samples of those," answered Roberts as he moved up to set up a sniper post. "Do you hear... aw no!"

Another set of aliens, again two of the tiny grey skiterrers, appeared. He released a few rounds at them before unlatching the rifle from his back and firing two rounds into each of their skulls.

"Leave some for the rest of us!" yelled Kari.

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