Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

I picked up my phone to message him again, but decided against it. I wanted to be spontaneous. I would show up at his flat, kiss him and he'd take me to his bed, the way he'd wanted to last night.

I jumped in the shower and threw on the first pair of jeans and T-shirt I could find. Without thinking, I was out of my room and into the streets, heading towards the nearest tube station.

I tried not to think too much about what I was doing. Was it a mistake? I'd worry about that later. All I knew was that I needed him right now; right in this moment. That was all that mattered.

I marched at speed to his block from the station. As I approached the door, a girl came out. I thanked her as she held it open for me, meaning I didn't have to press the intercom and wait for him to buzz me in. I didn't want to wait for the lift, so I ran up the stairs instead, taking them two or three at a time, until I arrived at his front door.

I knew his housemates had all gone home for summer, meaning he would he alone. This was it; the moment I had missed out on last night was going to happen. Right now.

I banged three or four times on the door and waited; the adrenaline running through my veins.

A few moments went passed. I heard rumblings from inside, then the rattle of keys. Then he opened the door a crack. His hair was all over the place; his eyes still half closed. I'd clearly just gotten him out of bed.

He looked at me. 'Ash,' he said. 'Did we have plans today?'

'No,' I said. 'Can I come in?'
'Sure,' he said, standing back and holding the door open. I could see him for the first time, wearing just his underwear. I'd noticed him in his clothes before and knew what great shape he was in, but this was the first time I'd seen him in the flesh. His abs and stomach were even more impressive than I could have imagined. His legs were strong and covered in dark black hair. He wore a pair of tight CK briefs that left nothing to the imagination. He was clearly an extremely well endowed guy. Hopefully I would see that for myself in a few moments.

'Sit down,' he said, 'I'll put the kettle on.'
'I don't want a drink,' I said, placing myself down on the same seat he'd made a move on me the previous night.

'Okay,' he said, sitting down next to me. I tried my hardest not to stare at his body. I could already feel things getting tight again in my jeans. I really wanted this to happen.

'So what's going on?' he asked, rubbing his eyes.

'I just wanted to say how sorry I was for last night and the way I left.'

'It's cool man,' he said.

'No, it's not. I was wrong. I should have...'

I stopped mid-sentence as I heard a noise from the bathroom, then a flushing of the toilet. Was one of his housemates back early? I was about to ask, when the bathroom door opened and out walked a man. He was blonde, slim with a smooth, defined body. He was also completely naked. He stood looking at us for a few moments. He seemed shameless; completely unbothered by the fact he was completely naked in front of a stranger.

'Oh, sorry,' Ben said. 'This is my friend Ash. Ash, this is...' He stopped talking, seemingly embarrassed that he didn't know this guy's name.

'Callum,' the man said.

'Right. Callum.'

Callum looked at me in a way I couldn't read. He finally spoke. 'Your friend's cute. Is he joining us?'

'No!' Ben said abruptly, then looked at me. 'unless...'

I shook my head. 'No, of course not,' he said. 'Go back to bed. I'll be there in a few minutes.'

Callum nodded and disappeared again, back into the bedroom.

'So who's he?' I asked.

'Just some guy,' he said. 'When you left last night, it kind if left me wanting more. I went online and there he was.'

'So you just invited him over and had sex with him?'

'Yeah.' He shrugged, like it was nothing.

'I can get rid of him though, if you want me to.'

'No,' I said. 'It's okay. You shouldn't keep him waiting. I should get off anyway.'

'You sure?'

'Yeah, I've got stuff to do.'

'But we're cool?'

'Yeah, absolutely.'

'I'll call you later?'


I got up and left for the second time in as many days. But this time I felt different. I felt stupid for thinking I could get over what had happened by falling into Ben's bed. But more than anything I felt relieved. If that guy hadn't been here, then I probably would have done something I'd really have regretted. Ben wasn't the one for me. I already knew that, but at least I'd managed to save our friendship.

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