Maybe things could get better.


Naturally, just as Peter thought things could get better, they actually got worse.

Him, Harry, Gwen, Ned and MJ (although she was at the opposite end of the table, not wanting to ruin her reputation) were sitting at the lunch table, when Gwen suddenly perked up, having news.

"This new villain's gotten out," she said, her eyes lighting up slightly. "Not - not that I'm excited, but it's just so interesting seeing what they're going to turn out to be and-"

And as she continued on, Peter's heart filling with dread, he noticed how she kept glancing to him, like she expected him to know something she didn't.

"- said his name's something silly... It began with an 'M', I think," she said, pausing as she tried to think of the name. She shrugged. "It'll come back to me soon enough. Apparently he's dangerous, and get this - each time the police caught him, he-"

"- somehow managed to escape their grasps unharmed?" MJ questioned, raising her eyebrows.

Gwen gave her a confused look.

"How did you know that?" she asked, pursing her lips. "It's top secret, my dad only told me because he wants me and my friends to be careful."

"Seriously, if they're a 'super villain'," MJ said, rolling her eyes, "then they'll have learned to escape the police's clutches."

"I'm sure Spider-Man will be able to catch him, though," Gwen said confidently, her eyes darting towards Peter before she looked at Harry.

Ned and Harry gave Peter a small concerned look before turning their attention back to Gwen.

"What does he do?" Peter spoke up suddenly.

He was going to go after this villain. He needed to, he needed to go out as Spider-Man again, he needed to gain his confidence back.

"Like, what are his powers? What is he trying to get from this?" Peter clarified.

"... We aren't sure yet," Gwen admitted, giving Peter a shrewd look. He shuddered to think of what she would work out.

"When you're sure, can you tell us?" Ned asked to try and get the attention off Peter. Peter gave him a small, albeit thankful look.

"Of course!" Gwen said, nodding her head. "You guys need to be safe, after all, you're the best friends I've had!"

Harry grinned. "And may I say you're oh so welcome."

Gwen shoved him, laughing. "Be quiet."

"Will do, ma'am."


As soon as Peter got home, he started to do some research.

He needed to discover who this villain was, what his powers were, and why he was doing this.

Maybe Tony could help?... No, he was still recovering, as were the rest of the Avengers. It would be better if he did it himself.

New Villain in New York - ALL INFORMATION IS HERE!

Peter gave a small, surprised chuckle at finding it so quickly, before clicking on it, skimming through the information.

He wears a rather creepy mask, almost as though -

- his powers are hard to discern, but we assume that -

- he seems quite dangerous, so we advise that you stay safe and watch out where you're -

- as long as you aren't caught by surprise, it seems, his attacks are easier to get by -

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