Chapter 3 - Sera gets her answer part 2

Start from the beginning

"Mhmm" Sera nodded

"After that, we decided to find out who was Joker and why he did that to Isen."

"Mhmm" Sera nodded

"Thanks to Isen and Blyke. We were able to find out who Joker was. So we decided to get a closer look and investigated him. We found out that he was working with Cecile."

"Cecile? Really?" Sera questions Remi.

"Yeah, we just don't know why." Remi answers Sera.

"Okay then, anything else?" Sera ask Remi, to which Remi answers her.

"Yeah, there's still more. After that, I decided to have a civil chat with John. And that's where I find that the system of the school is not great." Remi says, to which Sera questions "How?"

"John showed me how us High tiers use our powers for granted. We use our powers to ensure that we stay at the top. While low tiers were getting beaten up for no reason at all. And we just do nothing to stop the bullying." Remi says, to which everyone in the room felt guilty about what's happening with the school.

"That's why John targeted the hierarchy." Arlo says, which caughts everyones attention.

"Woah, nice of you to join our conversation." Sera says to Arlo. While Arlo just gives her a blank stare.

"Anyways, after you guys had talked to each other. What happens next?" Sera questions Remi.

"I left and just got ready for the fight we would have, then you already know what happens next." Remi says ending her side of the story.

"Ok, thanks for sharing your side of the story, Remi." Sera says, thanking her for the information she just received.

"Now, who's next?" Sera asks, then Blyke answered.

"I'll go." Blyke says to which Sera answers. "Ok then, go ahead." confirming Blyke to tell his side of the story.

"Ok, I didn't really see him directly, but it was when Isen was searching him up. He showed me photos of John back in the day." Blyke says, to which Elaine suddenly spoke to Isen.

"Hey, why were you searching up his photos, hmmmm( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?" Elaine says in a seducing way, then suddenly the others started laughing about Isen's reaction.

Isen was able to utter words outside his mouth but was stuttering and blushing as red as a tomato.


After everyone stopped laughing. Sera spoke up and told to go on with the story.

"Alright, alright just go on with the story, Blyke." Sera says between breaths.

"Ha...ha..haa, alright. I don't know what Isen will do with the photos but I decided to just ignore him because it wasn't my business." Blyke says

"Go on." Sera says

"After about a few days later. I was finally able to see John. Like what Remi says, he was getting bullied so she decided to help him, but then he just suddenly slapped her."

"So you and Remi were together at the time?" Sera ask Blyke

"Yeah, at that moment. I got angry so I shot a beam at his head."

"Woah, seriously? A beam towards his head? That was a bit overkill. Why didn't you calm down first? It's not like he did it on purpose, right?" Sera says

"Yeah, you're right. Remi was right, he did apologize. But I was really angry, so I didn't listen." Blyke says, feeling guilty about what he did.

"After that, we heard about the rumors that Arlo was defeated. I didn't believe it at the time, but Isen did. I should've believed it at the time." Blyke says, mentally cursing himself that he didn't believe it.

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