"...Tharn...." It felt surreal that Type had to call that name only to check whether he was still dreaming or not.

Type dreamed about Tharn last night. The other guy was crying non stop and kept repeating 'sorry' to him as if he had done something wrong, while no one was in the wrong account.

Tharn should be sorry about nothing. Nobody should be sorry for choosing the life that brought them happiness. Type never wished to see Tharn crying when he chose to give the life Tharn ever wanted.

And the most unrealistic thing was when Tharn kissed him in the lips while confessing the love he had to him—which was not going to happen.

Type blankly stared at Tharn who magnificently had his upper body naked with a few beads of water running down from his hair to the neck and kept going south to his chiseled chest and abs.

How Type wished it weren't a dream at all.

"Yes...?" The reply from Tharn above him sounded real.

"...Tharn..." Type called him once again just to sink in this beautiful dream into his mind. So he wouldn't ever forget. Whenever his day got harder to live by, he could play this memory over and over again until he didn't miss Tharn anymore.

Type moved his hand only to place it on Tharn's jawline. His fingers could feel the rough surface of Tharn's face, like he was just done shaving. The masculine smell that was coming from Tharn's shampoo filled his lungs.

"It's too real... I think I'm going crazy.." Type got teary while trailing his fingers softly on each of Tharn's facial feature. He had the urgency to memorize it with his fingers in order to carve it somewhere on his mind.

Tharn held Type's trembling hand which was touching his face with his hand while another one propped his body hovering on Type's.

He brought his lips to kiss the palm and placed it on his own cheek once again. Tears were swimming on Type's face, some had even rolled down Type's temple and vanished between the hairline.

"I'm here..." Tharn said softly while coming closer to Type's face.

Type slowly fluttered his eyes closed and rendering the tears that were hanging by the corner of his eyes dropped. He welcomed Tharn's soft lips with his. He gave Tharn the same amount of intensity Tharn gave him through the kisses.

"I love you, Type..." Tharn kept chanting those magical words between their kisses. He kept nibbling Type's lips whenever Type was going to say something.

Tharn felt he hadn't said and given enough love to make Type stayed, so he was only going to give, give, and give until Type was content to stay and love him back.

"I love you so much..." Tharn confessed again and made Type to keep his tears coming out even more.

It was funny how he could not even cry when he was hurt but only the love word from Tharn was able to make him cried.

Tharn had propped himself with his elbows as his hands were busy cupping Type's face while his mouth showered him with kisses. While Type had his arms circled around Tharn's neck in order to deepen their kiss.

"Please don't ever let me go...." Tharn begged as he moved down and snuggled his lips right below Type's ear.

Type didn't know he had a sensitive spot there, so he was quite surprised when he moaned. He had to cover his mouth to redeem his embarrassment.

Tharn trailed his lips south and licked Type's neck and made the younger guy moaned even more. The palm that had been covering his mouth could not even muffle the sound he produced from his sinful lips.

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