Chapter 3

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I think I love to torture myself. I love this kind of slow-burn story... I love the gloomy feelings at first that will lead to happy end.


The conciousness started to enter Tharn's mind before the dawn. He had the deepest sleep after sleeping with toss and turn for almost two weeks now.

His nightmare began when his Dad, the King himself, told him to marry off a guy named Type who was his junior at Engineering.

He didn't know someone named Type before the news. After the marriage had been decided, Tharn started to dig into this Type guy.

He even paid someone to get all of the information regarding Type. Tharn instantly knew Type's birthday, his blood type, what kind of person he was, and his circle of friends.

Since he had never been in relationship, Type's sexual orientation was unknown. That time, Tharn was quite nervous, what if Type turned out to be gay.

This marriage were purely political and business. If one of them somehow gay, things would be difficult and complicated to them.

According to his source, Type was a quiet person and only got the loudest person and a player as his best friend.

Tharn was surprised that a guy like Type had no girlfriend. Type had been single all his life. With a facial feature like him, it was really surprising.

Moreover his source said Type was secretly popular among girls. He was just too cold and distant to approach. They had to be content just admiring him from afar.

Type spent most of his time alone if not hanging out with Ming. He was mostly alone now knowing that Ming got Phana, Type's older brother as his boyfriend.

Tharn blinked as he looked deeply at the peaceful face sleeping while hugging him. Tharn realized he must have been pretty wasted to end up in Type's embrace.

He slowly squirmed out of the arms that hugged him. Tharn walked to the balcony to lit some smoke. Coincidentally his phone rang. The one who would call him without even minding the time was of course.... his girlfriend of 4 years.

"...Hi..." Tharn's voice turned husky but... soft and warm. Very different from the cold tone while Type and he exchanging vows.

Type had been awake since Tharn tried to get himself out of the bed. He knew eavesdropping was not good and it was not his business at all. But he couldn't help it since he was awakened out of his might and he couldn't fall asleep right away.

So his sense unwillingly had to listened to the conversation until he got back to sleep.

"...Mmm, I'm sorry I left early last night..." Tharn continued.

Type could not hear the conversation in two ways, but he had a gut that Tharn was on the call with his girlfriend.

"Yeah, I miss you too.." Tharn chuckled. There was a clear longing in his voice.

"...Today..?" Tharn replied to his girlfriend, "Maybe I can or maybe not... I'll text you later, okay?" He added.

Today was Sunday. Later Type and Tharn had a business lunch with the political parties and other influential people from other countries.

Maybe Type would be left alone again in the middle of banquet.

Type sighed as he squeezed his eyes shut, trying hard to put himself to sleep.


Type got up after the maid woke him up. It was fifteen past seven in the morning. Tharn was not sleeping next to him when he turned his head to check the empty side.

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