Chapter 9

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I always listen to songs whenever I write my story.

And today's song will be:
Pamungkas - To the Bone

Today, Tharn was the first one to wake up. The dawn had not fallen, probably around 4AM in the morning. The only lighting in this dark room he was in was from the little lamp on the nightstand at his back.

He was facing Type who was sleeping soundly. Their hands were still overlapping one another. The poor lighting from the lamp at his back hit on Type's face so Tharn could get a perfect look of the other guy's sleeping face.

The peaceful face suddenly was having lines on his forehead since he was scrunching his brows. Tharn witnessed the change of Type's face while squirming.

The hold on Tharn's hand was tightened as if Type was hanging on his hand.

Tharn placed his palm against Type's backbone. He rubbed it as he brought the younger guy close to him.

Type's tensed body relaxed as he drew into Tharn's embrace. His breaths fell into stagnant rhytmical, once his nightmare faded away.

Subconsciously, Tharn slipped one of his arm between Type's neck and the bedsheet. His pillow arm only made their body pressed together.

Type's soft breath hit on Tharn's adam apple as the older guy placed his chin on the top of Type's head.

Tharn kept giving Type's back light strokes and sent the later guy to sleep.

Tharn realized he grew fonder over the guy in his embrace. He started to feel the need to protect Type from any harm. Maybe because Type was the only ally he got in this world.

They were both the victims of their parents' ego. Type had never got any chance to choose what he really wanted as well. Just like Tharn himself.

Tharn never saw Type whined about how unfair life treated him. Type probably hated this marriage more than Tharn did, since his life changed over the night after marrying Tharn.

In The Kongthanins household, Type was the most unnoticed. He never got into spotlight, unlike his older brother whose name was always on the news and magazines. While his younger brother was popular since junior highschool, as the proclaimed womanizer.

But none about Type. There was a little difficulty when Tharn asked his informant to find out about Type because he went under the radar.

No news of him, no social media, no trace at all.

But since Type entered into this marriage, he was put on the spotlight. He was the new target of the news and... people that were against the throne.

He would always be in danger.

And Type decided to carry out the King's plan on his own. He even left to the faculty without bringing the assigned guards for him.

He put himself first before Tharn. He drew attention to himself when he hated it to the bone. He fixed Tharn's name by making people believed that Tharn was a good husband to even dropped him off and picked him up from the faculty.

That was when Tharn decided to join his one and only ally, Type, to make their marriage more believable.

But Tharn couldn't deny it no more that he was drawn into Type's charm. Anything Type did pleased him. Even his broken heart didn't feel that painful anymore.

Type slowly brought back the light he once lost when the King announced his marriage with Type almost 3 weeks ago.

Type was warm, like the ray of morning sunshine.

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