Chapter 7 - Entrance Exam

Start from the beginning

"The fourth type of villain is worth zero points. That guy's an obstacle, so to speak. There's one in every battle center, an obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces. It's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it either." Present mike said, specifically eyeing Izuku to not go too far. 

"I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it."

"That's all from me!" 

"Finally, I'll give you listeners a present, out school motto!"

"The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said: 'A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes.'"

"Go Beyond. PLUS ULTRA!" 

"Now, everyone, good luck suffering! Oh and Izuku, don't go full out, the city isn't free to reconstruct." 

Izuku P.O.V

After Uncle Yamada's presentation, I along with 1/7 of the other participants were taken to Battle Center B in front of the big entrance. 'How many points shall I go for, dad got 300 points in his time, so maybe I'll go for 3000?' I thought to myself. 

Izuku was knocked out from thoughts as he felt someone's hand on his left shoulder, "Oh, hey you're the guy from earlier, nice to meet you, my name is Izuku Toshinori." I put out my right hand which he shook willingly, "I'm Tenya Iida, nice to meet you too." Iida responds as he relaxes a little. "Oh hey, you don't happen to be related to Tensei Iida do you?" I asked him as he did have the same last name with similar looks, "Ah yes, but how did you know my brother." He asks confused. "I use to play with him when I visit U.A every week back when I was little." 

I was about to carry on as present mic's voice travels into our ears, "Okay, Start!" I immediately started heading into the battle arena as I've seen other entrance exams with Uncle Yamada when I was little. "What's wrong? There are no countdowns in real fights!" He shouts as the rest was just realizing what's going on, "Run, run! The die has been cast, you know!"

I immediately fly up into the air with my wings, getting a better look around the arena. I then activates my god's eye vision to sense for electromagnetic pulses, immediately I spot 20 different faux villains with insight and blasts them to bits with Flicker Beam. that's 52 points, not bad. I kept on destroying anything I see for the next 8 min gathering a little more than 500 points in the process. 'Not bad' I thought to myself

Third-person P.O.V

"In this practical exam, the examinees have not been informed of the number if villains or their locations. They have a limited amount of time in a vast area, they have to draw the villains out from there." a certain mouse said, examining the exam.

"Information gathering ability to understand the situation before anyone else. Mobility that can be used in many different circumstances. Discernment to be able to stay calm in any situation And pure combat ability." He carries on. "These basic abilities needed to keep the peace in the streets are turned into points in the test." 

"Doesn't this year's group look promising? Especially that kid with nearly 700 points, WAIT, IZUKU?" A certain female hero said in surprise, catching the attention of others in the process.

"Oh, he said he wanted to do this exam so here he is." All Might says with his signature smile. "But isn't that a little unfair? I mean look at the points, he's nearly broken the school record held by you 3 times over." 

"It's fine, we'll talk to him later, for the meantime, however, their true test is still to come." Another male hero said, clicking a red button below the operating screen. 

The ground suddenly begins to shack violently as a huge robotic villain appears from within one of the big buildings, creating a huge amount of wind int the process as it proceeds to knock the ground. 

'Huh, so this is the Zero pointer, It must be hell down there for the rest." Izuku thought as he uses his eye quirk to examine for people needing help, sure enough a girl was stuck under the rubbles and debris about to be run over by the huge Zero pointer. "Shit" Izuku cursed under his breath and dashes straight for the ground, he then proceeds and threw the rubbles into the air sideways like it was nothing and carries the girl towards the rest of the examinees, "Hey, you okay?" Izuku asks the girl who has brown hair with seemingly glowing red cheeks, "Y-yeah" She manages to respond. "Alright well stay here for a moment, recovery girl will get you shortly after the exam," Izuku says before flying back up aiming his right arm and palm at the Zero-Pointer. "Heavy Assault: Super Fusion," Izuku says as a tightly compressed blue beam blasts out from the center of his palm, completely disintegrating the Zero-Pointer.

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