Chapter 6 - Final Preparations

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"Oh, My Jesus Might I'm so glad my little Izuku is alright!" Inko said as she ran towards Izuku standing in the doorstep with tears in her eyes. "Hi mum, and did you seriously just say, Jesus Might?" Izuku said with a questioning look. "Never Mind that! I'm so glad you're okay, my baby boy is all so grown up now, have you seen what they're saying about you on the news?" Inko said pointing towards the T.V screen. 

"The next generation is sure to be bright."

"A teenage boy called Toshinori Izuku just stopped a high way speed chase while managing to save a teenage girl from certain death."

"The same one from the sludge incident, this boy is sure to be getting a lot of attention."

"This next generation of heroes are sure to see the last of villain activities"

The praises go on and on none stop until Toshinori came forward putting a hand on Izuku's head, "May I speak with you for a moment?" I nodded to his request and we headed towards my room turning on the lights as we both took a seat next to each other after closing the door behind us. "Izuku my boy, after seeing your actions of heroism, again and again, I just can't help but get back to the topic of my quirk." All might said with a pleading look, "My time is limited my boy, and you're the person most worthy to inherit my quirk." Izuku looks towards his father and shook his head, "Dad, aren't you the one most worthy?" Toshinori looked confused and raises a brow, "Here, show me the wound on your stomach would ya." Toshinori, still confused did as Izuku asked and raise his shirt showing the awful scars and the wound, Izuku placed a hand on his father's wounds and activated his healing ability as his hands start to glow. After a few seconds, Izuku lifts his hands to find the wound nearly entirely gone, Toshinori was shocked at what had just happened as he turned into his buff form. "Holy Jesus Christ! I feel like I'm back in my prime, what did you do?" Toshinori said shockingly as he examines his once fatal wounds, "Oh it's the new healing ability I've been working on, you like it?" Izuku said with a feeling of accomplishment as The frail man who just turned into All Might brought him into a big huge, making his wings retract in a not very comfortable manner. "Uhm, Dad? you're crushing me a bit." Izuku complained feeling very uncomfortable. "O-Oh sorry," Toshinroi exclaimed. 

(After a full minute of All Might flexing his muscles)

"Uhm...., ya done?" Izuku said with a very annoyed tone, "Oh yes sorry, I'm just getting used to this, anyhow, the Entrance Exam is in a few weeks, are you doe with your training?" All Might asked the now very bored boy, "Yes, I've cleaned the other half with my quirk with an S class blast." Izuku claimed with a worried tone, scared of the scolding to come. "Ah! I see so that's why the clouds are all messed up, anyhow, you wanna go have a fight?" The greenette's father Proposed much to Izuku's surprise. "Let's Go!"

(Ground Beta, U. A High) 

"Alright, before we start, try not to use attacks that could literally disintegrate the entire place okay?" All Might said before bending down to a fighting stance.  "Sure thing, that would've been overkill." 

"Oh, it's on."

All might jump towards Izuku with blinding speed, going in for a right punch but as he got closer, Izuku suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind him, "Abit too slow dad, Heavy Support: Superior Shine" All Might Immediately turn around to see Izuku in heavy battle armor.  


All Might lands back first into the concrete floor but immediately launches himself back at Izuku heading in with a 50% Punch. Izuku however, just stood there as All Might goes in for the punch, "Heavy Defence: Barrier!" All Might lands the punch on the Light Barrier Izuku created which didn't even budge. 'Heavy Assualt: Power Glare!' was the last thing All Might hear before being knocked back halfway to the other side of the fake city, 'Impressive' He thought, but right before he ready up for a 100% Detroit smash, Izuku out of nowhere appears in front of All Might and shouts "Support: Overwhelming Reaction" Before landing many consecutive punches before knocking All Might up with a finishing uppercut. 

"How did I do, 15% like you asked," Izuku said as he helps to pull his father out of the rubble. "Seriously only 15%? You were amazing, and what was the last move, your eyes turned red after you called out the move." All Might asked, very impressed by the strength of his son. "Oh, that's apart of my God Eye, I basically enhance my speed and reaction to superhuman levels," Izuku answered the dumbfounded All Might as he imagings what Izuku could do with 100% power.

"So, Am I right to assume that you're ready for your unnecessary entrance exam?" 

"More than ever."


Jesus Christ! 500+ Reads, I can't belive people actually would read this crap, thx so much.

Finally done with pre-U.A Chapters, I'm so excited to write his U.A Experience. Thank you all. 


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