Without another word, I turned around and stepped towards the trees and heard clothes fall and bones pop and crack. When I had taken about ten strides into the forest, I turned around and saw four werewolves before me.

"Let's start," I ordered and immediately, one lunged towards me.

I easily kicked him on the side of the head, sending him crashing into a tree. The other three became hesitant.

This was the first time I was training these four in particular, and always, on the first time, the beginners were scared about facing me head on. Everyone always was. I was ruthless in my training, letting them feel real pain, because in a battle, the enemies were never merciless. Especially the Blood Moon Pack.

On the other side of the fence, there was a crowd watching the fight. I nodded my head towards the four in front of me.

"If you're afraid, run back to the dorm. But don't blame anyone but yourself if you die tomorrow."

They stiffened as the first one who attacked slowly got to his feet. He shook his head and I saw him sway. Already, a stream of blood was running down the side of his head.

"Decide now," I said.

The first attacked again, and the female lunged for me at the same time. I raised my arm and let the girl bite into it before swinging her to collide with the other werewolf. She released from shock and the both of them were sent flying in another direction.

The other two joined in, and I felt the corner of my lips twitch into a smile of satisfaction. The two males slashed at me with their claws, but I jumped back, evading their attack. When my back collided with a tree, I glanced back before lifting a foot to step on the trunk.

The two lunged at me once more, and I pushed myself off the tree and flipped over them, grabbing the back of their necks along the way. I tossed them in front of me so they landed on their chests, making them gasp in breaths.

A blur passed to the left of me while another ran to my right and I just waited to see what they did. Eventually, they each grabbed an arm of mine and dragged me back so I slammed my back against the tree once more. They held me in place as the other two stood up quickly to come and strike me.

But I simply kicked my legs up, letting them run right up to the bottom of my feet before I shoved them back once more to slide on the ground. Then I easily wrenched my arms free from the other two and darted behind them. The male was able to keep up with my speed and turned to pierce me with his long claws, but I dodged in time, only to get kicked in the side by the female.

I growled and grabbed her leg, elbowing her knee. She released a scream of pain after a sickening crack, and the male threw a fist to land on my face, but I caught it in time. I twisted his wrist, earning another crack and roar of agony.

Then I kicked the male in the gut, making him bend over as the female collapsed to her knees, clutching her arm in pain.

The other two decided then to come at me, but I dodged one and flip kicked the other right on the temple, knocking him unconscious. There was only one left and he was sweating heavily, from either the training or nervousness, I wasn't sure. Maybe both.

He growled low in his throat before charging at me. I stood calmly in place, waiting to see what he would do this time. But before he could strike me, there were howls and growls from behind him, deeper from inside the forest.

I immediately went into alert and looked at the three on the ground. "Take the female." I quickly said and he nodded without another thought and went to her.

I grabbed the unconscious male and the other came back to his senses and stood up straight, facing the forest. I tossed the one I was holding over his shoulder, and he looked at me in alarm. "Go." I nodded my head back towards the dorm and he obeyed.

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