Chap 3

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Pretend the train is them on a plane

Marinette was packing for her big trip while Tikki was help her. Mari realized she was forgetting something "Oh my sketchbook" she picked it up and placed it in her suitcase Tikki wondered why Mari needed it "Why you need your sketchbook for Marinette" Mari answered "So I can sketch new designs but in New York style".

Tikki like that "Your designs will look amazing in New York style" Mari smiled "Thanks Tikki" as they continue to pack Mari thought of something "Tikki we should go see Master Fu before we catch our flight" Tikki question "Why?" Mari answered " Since we're going to New York we might need some of the Miraculouses just in case something bad happens" Tikki nodded "Your right Marinette we should go-"

They looked at the Time "We got to go now"Tikki realized, Marinette nodded grabbed her suitcase and headed downstairs to see Master fu.

Meanwhile with Adrien

While he was packing he was very excited "I still can't believe Father will let me go to New York Plagg" but Plagg was too busy eating Camembert "I know but isn't it odd that he will let you go to New York" Adrien though of that too "Yeah it is very odd but I'm happy we get to go"

Adrien looked at the time "We should get going or else we miss our flight" Plagg nodded and hid in Adrien jacket and they left to the airport.

With Marinette and Tikki

As they made it to Master Fu's place they went up stairs to see him, Marinette open the door "Master Fu" Master fu look up at her and smiled "Hello Marinette what is it that you need" Mari answered him "Well you see my class is going on a trip to New York and I've been thinking what if somehow a akuma attack happens so I came here to borrow some miraculoues" Master fu thought about what she said and agreed to it

"Ok you can take them but don't lose it protect it with all your might" he said to her as he got the miracle box that he open, Mari pick the ones she needed fox,bee,snake and dragon Miraculoues but she need the turtle miraculous too "Oh and Master I might need the turtle miraculous" he nodded and give her it

Mari looked at the time and realized she has to go "I got to go Master fu don't worry I'll protect these miraculoues come on Tikki" Master fu smiled and nodded "Good luck Marinette" as she walked out

At the Airport

Marinette arrived at the airport and saw Alya and her class "What took you so long girl" Mari got nervous "Um I had to run a couple errands that's all" she replied to Alya as she just shook her head "Well we got to go come on" they made it on board and could sit wherever they wanted to sit

Nino wanted to sit next to Alya "Hey Alya come sit over here" she nodded and turned to Mari "Go sit with Adrien I want to chat with Nino" Mari was blushing but agree "Ok I'll sit with him" as she went to Adrien

She sat down next to him Adrien noticed and smiled "Hey Marinette" she turned to him and started to stutter and blush a bit "H-H-Hey Adrien a-are you e-excited for this trip" he nodded "I am I just never traveled somewhere away from home before" Mari acknowledged that to "yeah me too"

During their plane ride

Adrien was listening to music while Marinette was sleeping then she leaned her head on his shoulder he noticed and blushed and decided to sleep as well. Everyone saw and started to fan girl
(So was I lol sorry back to the sorry)
Alya took a picture while Lila was jealous and got up to wake up Marinette but Alya interrupted her "Uh Lila what are you doing" Lila got nervous and thought of a lie "I also get motion sickness while I'm on a plane and I know Marinette has a solution to everything so-" but was interrupted by Alya "I know but she is asleep right now as you can see but why would you sit down try to stay still"

Lila nodded while fake smiling and went back to her seat very angry that her plan didn't go so well.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote and leave a comment below on what you think of this bye ^-^

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