It had been indicated earlier that Darren and Maria in particular were susceptible to being charmed. No one said anything about Bev, but she was Darren's mom. I wondered briefly if she was already charmed. I studied her, but she didn't seem in that strange daze like Darren when we were in that RU in? place.

Mackenzie's soft, warm hand slid in to mine. She squeezed my hand. When I looked at her, she smiled at me reassuringly. My little sister was the one comforting me. I drew in a breath to still myself.

"The next room is this way," Jin said. I glanced at Gunnor before I followed Jin. He still had that same smirk, but they hadn't done anything to us and Bev was right, they could have done something at any time. They could move so fast that I only saw a blur. I had never seen Hunter or Victory move like that and I didn't think they could, dragon or not. If I tried to chop of their heads with my ax, they could easily disarm me before I finished my swing.

Jin opened the next door on the left. Inside was another queen bed.

"I guess we're staying here," I said since the only ones remaining were us and the Sangs and Hunter already said he was going to sleep in the same room with the boys.

I pulled Mackenzie in the dark room with me.

"Can I stay with you?" Victory asked.

"Of course," I said. "I assumed you were going to."

She smiled and slid into the room next to Mackenzie.

"Don't worry," Jin said. "The zombies won't come near us or our house. You can rest for as long as you want."

I wasn't really worried about the zombies at the moment.

"Where are your bedrooms?" I asked Jin.

"We don't usually sleep at night," Jin said, "but we will stay upstairs to make you feel more comfortable."

"Sleep tight," Gunnor said. Chills ran down my arms as Jin and Gunnor left us.

"I'll just be down the hall," Hunter said. He paused as he looked at Victory.

"Don't worry," she said. "If those vampires try anything, I'll hit them with lightning."

Hunter breathed out slowly and said, "I don't think they are going to try anything. I think they would have already if they were going to. And if they really are worried about not having anything to drink in the long run because all the humans are turning into zombies, then they will want to keep our group alive."

Victory nodded.

"Goodnight," Hunter said.

"G'night," Victory said. She and Mackenzie left me to go crawl into bed. I stayed and watched Hunter until he went into the room with the boys. Then I closed the door. I turned the lock even though I didn't think it would keep out the vampires if they wanted to get in, but it made me feel better anyway. I went to the bed and kicked my shoes off. I placed my ax next to my shoes. It was easily in arms reach if I needed it. I crawled in next to Mackenzie and wrapped the blankets around her shoulders.

"Why didn't you ever tell me you were part dragon?" Mackenzie asked Victory.

"I wasn't allowed to. Besides, you wouldn't have believed me."

"I guess that's true," Mackenzie said. "I think it's really cool though. I wish I had some sort of powers. Do you guys really dye your hair like that or is that part of you being dragon?"

"We didn't dye it," Victory said.

"Why is your hair different colors then?" I asked. "Grace's is teal, Hunter's is red and yours is white."

Ruins A.G.A. 2nd Novel in the Ruinsaga seriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz