Philippines (BTS) Part 2

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Mina POV

         Went up the long stairs we went inside and got greeted by the coldness of the museum a lady in a red skirt greeted us "Hello, This is the National Museum of the Philippines we have the history, art and science of the Philippines We don't usually let any people go inside since this is not in public" The lady said and signaled us to follow her, we went into a rooms full of rusty canon bombs, guns, and bullets. We took pictures and looked at the artifacts that is displayed "In 1521, , a Portuguese explorer who was serving the Spanish crown, landed in Samar Island on his voyage to circumvent the globe. He explored the islands and named it Archipelago of San Lazaro. Magellan was killed during a rebellion led by a Datu named in Mactan Island. Spain continued to send expeditions to the island for financial gain and on the fourth expedition, Commander Ruy Lopez de Villalobos, named the islands Philippines, after Prince Philip (later King Philip II), heir to the Spanish throne. ruled the Philippines for 356 years" The lady said showing us a picture of  Magellan, Ruy Lopez and King Philip.

We went to a room with a KKK written on a red flag, under a picture of a man is a old rusty machete "The secret society of the , founded by Andres Bonifacio attacked the Spanish Garrison in San Juan with little success, while Katipuneros in Cavite Province headed by defeated the Guardia Civil in Cavite. Aguinaldo's victories lead him to be elected as head of the Katipunan. The factions of Bonifacio & Aguinaldo fought and lead to the trial and execution of Bonifacio on Aguinaldo's orders.

 Aguinaldo later drafted a constitution and established the Republic of in Bulacan province. In 1897, an impasse between the Spanish government and Aguinaldo arose. After negotiations between the two sides, Aguinaldo accepted an amnesty from the Spaniards and US$ 800,000.00 in exchange for his exile to Hong Kong with his government" the lady explained. We toured around the museum we learned the history of the Philippines and bought souvenirs.

We went back to the van Pedro driving us to a diner, when we got there I read the sign "Harbor View Restaurant". I looked at the ocean it looked peaceful but it held my painful memory I shook my head and went next to Tae-Oppa linking my arms with him, he looked at me and smiled before looking away. We took the VIP sits so no fans can disturb us the ocean is so beautiful, we ordered the food. After a while the food came, We dug in tasting the Delicious seafood well except for Namjoon-Oppa since he doesn't eat seafood he ordered meat.

When we are done we took a little bit rest before going back to the van, "Since Ocean Park is near us lets go there" Pedro said and drove us to Manila Ocean Park. We went outside once we parked, we walked inside I stayed beside Jimin-Oppa I saw a sea lion hat. I dragged Jimin-Oppa and bought us the hat, we went back the boys looking at us weirdly before minding thier own business again.

We went through tunnels of water seeing the sea creatures make me wanna melt on the ground, I got shocked when I saw a giant fish but it's not a shark. I pressed my face on the glass that separates us from the ocean life "Woah, This is beautiful" I said and we continued to explore the Ocean Park. We watched a Sea Lion performance, the trainer came up to me I was more thrilled than ever. I went with him and I asked him to take a picture of me and the sea lion, the trainer said that I should kiss the sea lion. I looked at the boys Jungkook's expression says 'Don't-kiss-that-sea-lion-Mina'.

I smirked at him and kissed the sea lion honestly it was just a peck, I thanked the trainer and I looked at the pictures it was cute af. I went back and Jungkook scoffed 'This bunny' I thought and sat next to him well convinced Tae-Oppa to get out of his sit next to Jungkook. 

We enjoyed the day with us 8 together, but it is time for us to go to the airport. We are packing our stuff and Pedro offered us that he will take us to the airport, I sighed when I was done packing I will sure miss this country it was the best. I walked on the big window that allows me to see the view of Manila giving it a beautiful scenery since the sun is setting, I felt a hand on my shoulder "I will miss this place, maybe let's come back again but let's perform here" Namjoon-Oppa said.

I nodded and we took our bags meeting the others on the lobby, we went to the international airport and we have to say goodbye to Pedro "Goodbye Pedro I hope we will see you again" I said He gave me a heart warming smiled "I'll make sure of that Miss Mina" Pedro said and went inside his van driving away. I sighed and looked at the boys "Let's go home" I said and took Hobi-Oppa's hand going inside the airport to go to Korea again.

"I'll be back Philippines"

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