Alone ch1

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Quick quirk info: your mother had the power to copy other quirks and of course your father   (all might) has one for all ,but no one thought do to a genetic mutation you could possess the power to use any quirk imaginable

Quirk draw-backs: when you over use your quirk you begin to loose control and feel faint which could lead to passing out and migraines.

I was downstairs with my mother until I started to feel nauseous and all of a sudden wings and horns appeared on me as I screamed for help just to look up and see fire caressing the house in its bright monstrous heat.

I looked around and saw my mother still on the floor covered in ash and crispy dried blood with lifeless eyes starring up at me. I began to sob as my father barged in pushing me aside picking up my mother crying, once realising she was gone he pointed at me and began to blame me for everything that had happened. I just stood there in tears as my vision was blurred blocking his angry face but still hearing his harsh words.

Even him being the number 1 hero, still spread hatred towards me as he picked me up dragged me to an alley way and left there still crying with a mixture of anger in his eyes as he left me alone. I laid there tears and fear swarming me "was I a m-monster" I whimpered to myself.

I suddenly felt a hand on my back as I was grabbed and injected with a substance that made me fall asleep.

I woke up in a white room on a table as a man stared down at me with a malicious grin plastered on his face as he grab a bunch of needles and tools as all I felt was pain.

Hey guys hoped u enjoyed chapter 1 and I just want to say that your past is really fucked up (even worse than Eri's)
Yes it's that bad.

I'm also meme obsessed

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