010. 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐁𝐞 𝐚 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry dear." The clerk said kindly, "Maybe tomorrow." 

That's what I told myself yesterday, I thought glumly as I walked back home. I kicked a nearby rock, sending it hurtling into the bustling road. I don't know why I thought it would come so quickly, it was silly to be expecting it so early, but the lead down still hurt. I passed by a women's parlor, the women sitting inside yammering on underneath salon dryers with magazines in their manicured hands. A woman was sweeping up front, singing quietly to herself as she went. 

Oh life could be a dream, If only all my precious plans would come true, 

If you would let me spend my whole life loving you ... Life could be a dream, sweetheart ... 

I scoffed, shaking my head, and kept on walking down K street towards home. 

By the time I got home, Evangeline was already heading out the door and there was no sign of life in the house. 

"Elizabeth, I'm off to my bridge game!" She called to me as I entered the front hallway, "And please down forget to lock the door to the dog's room before you go to sleep, last time they got into my shoe closet and I cant afford to look another pair of loafers!"

"Good to see you too," I replied sarcastically, stomping up the stairs and winding through the upper corridor till I made it back to my bedroom.

 I looked around when I entered, careful to ensure nothing had been disturbed in my absence. Ever since my correspondence with the President had become I had grown increasingly paranoid about the incriminating artifacts that were housed in my locked drawer. But every appeared to be in order, nothing was out of place. It was exactly how I had left it. I turn my things haphazardly on the floor, keenly aware of the emotions welling up in my chest as I flopped down on my bed. I sniffled, my hair ruffling as I buried my face in a pillow. It was a stupid thing to get so upset over, but I couldn't help it. The letters were the most exciting thing to happen in weeks, a small reprieve from the banality of life at home while I was away from my studies. They made me feel so awake, so alive, like I was soaring higher than I had ever dared fly. 

 It was the most blissful kind of joy, and I wanted more of it. 

I had not remembered falling asleep. Hours had seemingly passed by as I lay in my melancholy state, and the the sun had long set in the sky. My room had grown dark, illuminated only by a sliver of moonlight. I sat up, my neck popping painfully as I craned to look at the small clock on my nightstand. 


Jeez, had my family really let me sleep right through dinner? I sighed, swinging my legs out of my bed as I crossed my room towards the door. It creaked open as I poked my head out, peering around for other signs of life. 

The hallway was silent. 

The children's rooms were empty too upon further inspection, even Sasha's. I was truly alone. A part of me was glad. At least I wouldn't have to endure anymore noise for the remainder of the evening. My mind wandered to the library downstairs. It was never this quiet in the house, and I was painfully bored. A nice book might lighten my spirits. 

I nodded, feeling slightly mollified as I made my way towards the stairs. At least there was one silver lining to this day, I was so wrapped up in my own dramas that I had completely forgotten that no one else would be home tonight. 

 My foot neared the first step, then the telephone rang. 

"You have got to be kidding me," I muttered angrily, stalking back towards the wall where the phone hung "Who the hell is calling at an hour like this ..."

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