30: Future Thoughts (FINISHED)

Start from the beginning

Standing in the backdoor way, watching the kids from school jump into the pool that were unpopular and easy to get along with. Dani flirting it up with some boy by the grill where Heath was cooking hamburgers and hotdogs, I realized something.

I missed Levi.

Something bumped my shoulder and I looked over it to see my brother standing there grinning at me. I looked away from him with a hint of sadness before he could spot it.

"Come on, baby bear. You can't still be mad at me."

Oh, I can't? I thought as I continued to look at the people in our backyard having fun. None of them being my boyfriend.

Roman was silent for a long minute. "You really are in love with him, aren't you?" I did not reply as I turned and walked away from him, almost escaping up the stairs when Rome grabbed my arm and twirled me around to face him.

"No. Don't run away from me. Tell me the truth, Katie."

"Yes! I love your best friend honest, Rome. You were so blind after all these years to see how I felt about your best friend."

"I cannot believe you two."

"Just shut it, Rome!" we both turned our heads to spot Jul standing in the kitchen entrance walking our way. "I saw it, hell even Heath saw how those two have always looked at each other. You should have seen it but you had that stupid contract made up. Katie isn't a kid anymore, quit treating her like one."

Roman seemed shocked at Jul's words, but it did not stop Jul from continuing.

"All because you are keeping her away from Levi, she isn't even able to enjoy her own graduation party. And grounding her just for being in love with someone? What the fuck is wrong with you, Roman?"

With that being said, Jul turned on his heel and walked toward where the party was happening outside.

Leave it to Jul to take up for me when nobody else would.

Roman was quiet before walking out to the party, my heartbeat against my chest as I ran after his speed-walking self.

"Roman, don't do anything to Jul," I told him in worriment as he walked out the backdoor "Roman!"

As Roman marched toward Jul and Jul turned around ready to punch him, a figure came running from the side of the house and pushed Roman into the pool with such a force it sent a huge splash onto the pavement outside the pool.

Levi stood there looking between me and Jul, then he looked down at Roman who was furious.

"Friends don't let friends hit each other" was all that Levi said as Roman swam to the edge of the pool and got out, his anger getting the best of him.

He got out of the pool and dove at Levi, the two went to the ground fighting and kicking around on the patio.

"Roman! Levi! Stop it you two!" I shouted as I tried to make my way toward them. Jul grabbed me by the arm and looked down at my face.

"You don't need to get hurt, Katie."

I knew his words made sense, yet my mind was on stopping the fight going on from continuing. I needed to make the two guys stop this nonsense, it wasn't worth fighting over.

If only they would pay attention to me.

Watching them punch and kick each other made my heartbreak, if I had never had a crush on my brother's best friend this never would have happened. They never would have fought in the first place.

This wasn't right, I knew that why couldn't the other two see it? I was the cause of the problem. I started this.

Jul, however, saw the look in my eyes.

"No. This isn't because of you, Kate."

I threw my hands up into the air "But it is! Because of my crush on Levi, he broke the pact they made years ago. If it wasn't for me or the pact this would have never happened and they would still be best friends with no worries!" I shouted over the grunting of the fight.

Heath was trying to pull them apart to no avail, he wasn't having any luck so he just gave up and started yelling at them. Nothing was working and when the two splashed into the pool and broke my mother's flower pot.

I caused all of this, and it was my fault yet it was breaking me.

"If you two can't grow up, then I want nothing to do with either of you!" I yelled at them with tears starting to stream down my face. I ran away from everyone and around the house, running with nothing in mind but getting away from them.

Why was it like this? How did it get this bad? I didn't want to cause this because I was in love with Levi. I couldn't help it. My heart wanted him and now I didn't want anything to do with either of them.

Why wasn't I on that plane with our parents that day? It would have saved me the heartache.

And as I ran out into the road, that was my last thought as a car struck me.

They both lost me that day from major stupidity.

They both lost me that day from major stupidity

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*EDITED ON JULY 17th 2022*

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