Comfort || Slight Angst/Fluff

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"Y/N? Please let me in, I know it's hard, but you can't handle this all alone" Takehisa tries to coax Y/N out of her room. No one at the 8th had seen her for days. She'd locked herself in her room, only coming out when she knew nobody was going to see her.

It'd been three days since the incident that led up to this. Takehisa leaning against the door, trying to get Y/N out of there.

Three days since she lost her best friend. Little did anyone know that they'd be sent out on a call to F/N's apartment. F/N was a frequent visitor around the 8th, everyone knew exactly who she was to Y/N. Family, not a friend, but a sister.

And Y/N watched her die right in front of her.
Y/N was the first into the apartment when she saw the infernal burning F/N to her death. Y/N tried so hard to fight off that infernal alone.
The team had been left in the dust by her when Y/N realized the call was for F/N's apartment.

She watched helplessly as Takehisa held her back whilst the others put the infernal to rest. "Don't look Y/N, please" Takehisa whispered to her. Pulling her away from the sight. Her best friend laid in the middle of the apartment, burned to death. No sign of life.

Y/N's stomach churned, and her vision blurring as the room spun around her.

"I'm sorry Y/N"


"Y/N I just want to help" Takehisa knocked on the door again, this time a click came from the other side of the door. He gives her a half smile before she collapses into the lieutenants arms.

"Y/N-" Takehisa grunts as he picks her up. Shit she was in bad conditions. She was pale as a ghost, how much weight has she lost? Shit.

"Hungry?" Takehisa hums to the barely conscious girl. "Maybe" Y/N sighs, her eyes closing as she began to sob in his arms. Head pressed against Takehisa's chest and her hand gripping his shirt as though he would leave her if her grip loosened.

No words were spoken between the two as Takehisa carries her to the kitchen. Obi saw his teammate carrying the meek girl in. Takehisa gave him a glare and with that Obi knew he wanted alone time with Y/N.

"It's going to be okay, we'll get through this together" Takehisa broke the silence as he set her down in one of the kitchen chairs. He grabs a bowl pouring cereal and milk bringing it to the hurting girl. 

He sits down next to her, sitting in silence again. Normally this interaction would leave her blushing and flustered. She liked the lieutenant after all. Liked may be a understatement. But right now she was numb to emotions. 

"Y/N, I'm not the best with words, frankly I'm socially inept after all these years. But please know that I'm always here for you"

"Thanks lieutenant, I appreciate it"


Huge shitpost I'm sorry this sucks ass lmaoo 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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