Chapter 29

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Nathans pov

I woke up and moaned, oh fuck my head. I rolled over, there was a girl in my bed. I grinned and put my arm around her waist. I pulled her into me and breathed in her smell, mmm, Ellen, wait...Ellen? What was Ellen doing in my bed? What happened last night?

I opened my eyes and saw Ellen mostly naked, just in her underwear, in my bed. She was still passed out. Oh fuck, oh fuck this was not good, oh fuck. "Ellen?" I whispered, she moaned and snuggled into me. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. "Ellen, love, wake up." I begged and she rolled over so she faced me.

"what is it natty bear?" she asked. "Ellen, what did we do last night?" I asked. "we..uhm...I don't know, but my head hurts." she moaned, oh shit. "Ellen, the last thing I remember was dancing with you." I said quietly. "no, we were taking shots then...uhm...I dont know." she yawned. "Ellen open your eyes and look at me!" I demanded.

She eyes shot open and she stared at me. "you aright?" I asked. "ya...I mean..I dont..." she trailed off, she took my wrist and pushed it off her. "nathan?" she asked. "did we.." she started. "I don't know." I whispered, then silence set in. She started breathing faster and I saw she was about to cry. "Ellen, Ellen, calm down, stay here and I'll go talk to the boys, see if they know what happened." I said, she nodded slowly and a single tear trailed down her cheek.

I brushed it off with my thumb, kissed her cheek, then got up and walked out of the room. I started down the hall and saw the boys sitting around the counter drinking tea and talking. Maggie was making breakfast and I walked over. "hey, guys?" I asked and they looked at me.

"where's Ellen?" asked siva. "she's in my bed, do any of you guys remember what happened last night?" I asked. "mate you, Tom and Ellen got really plastered. Tom snuck off with Kelsey and you took Ellen back here, but we all stayed at the club." said jay. "so none of you know what happened with Ellen and I?" I ask, they shook their heads.

"oh shit, boys i think i fucked her." I whispered. "what?!?!" shouted max. "I...we were both so drunk, neither of us remember." I sobbed. "oh Nathan, come here." said jay and I hugged him. "itll be ok, if neither of you remember it then it doesn't count." he said. "yes it does how could I do this to her?" I sobbed "she trusted me and I betrayed her...again. I'm just one big disappointment to her." I moaned.

"I let her get taken by her parents, I keep letting her get drunk, I just fucked her and I've screwed her over so many times." I sobbed. "Nathan...I..." stammered Ellen from behind me and I looked around. "I'm so sorry Ellen." I whispered.

"I know nathan, I know." she said and went into the kitchen where Maggie handed her some food. Silence descended as she ate and we all waited for something bad to happen, but it didn't. She finished her food and put her plate in the sink, then walked out of the kitchen and into our room, without another word.

"guys, look, let me take care of her ok?" asked Maggie, the boys nodded. "Nathan?" she asked, I nodded slowly and she came over and hugged me. "It'll be ok Nathan." she said, then pulled away. "I'll be with her, just, stay out of our way alright? Not In a mean way, but we need to be alone." she said, I nodded and she smiled.

"see you soon." she said, then walked after Ellen. I sighed and sat down, resting my chin on the counter. "chin up mate." said jay as he patted my back and handed me a cup of tea. We sat and I distantly listened to the boys talking, but I wasnt saying anything. Then Maggie came out of the room with Ellen and they passed through and went outside. I just hoped I hadn't fucked my way into her hating me.

I just sat with my head in my hands and not five minutes later the door opened. "Nathan." said Ellen and I instantly turned around. "can we just, not talk about last night, ever?" she asked, I nodded quickly and she came over and hugged me.

I hugged her back lightly and rested my chin on her shoulder. "I love you Ellen." I said, she hugged me tighter. "I love you to Nathan, so much." she whispered and then pulled away. "I'm going to bed...alone, ok?" she asked, I nodded and she walked off.

Maggie came in and shrugged. "we started talking then she just ran back in here to see you." she said, I nodded. "well, thank you." I said, she nodded. "I honestly have no idea what I did." she admitted and jay laughed. "come here." he said with a smile. Maggie walked over to him and he pulled her to her for a kiss.


Hey people, I changed the ending a little.

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