He finally let my hand go which dropped to my lap. I stared at where his nails dug into my skin where it broke the flesh as it peeled where droplets of blood poked through. His fingers were marked red on my wrist as the color began to fade quickly into a brownish purple appearing as if my circulation was being cut off. That doesn't look so good. It didn't feel good either.

"Go get another shower. You smell." José said forcibly before going to put on some shorts. "If you want anything to eat, just let me know." He pretended like this was all nothing. As if nothing just happened.

I went to the bathroom, turned on the water and just sat in the tub as I continued to cry my eyes out. I never expected this out of him in my entire life. Sure, he's hit walls or thrown things in his frustration, but never went this far. We were doing so well when we were together. This show is tearing us apart. Maybe we should forfeit. Then he'd never act like this again. I was so confused.

I got out of the shower when I was through, squeezing the water out of my hair as I left the bathroom in only a towel. I saw my husband with Chinese takeout on the bed presented with a rose in front of it all.

"Hungry?" José asked me. I didn't want to look at him. "Come sit. Eat." He patted the seat beside him on the bed.

"Let me put something on," I said as I went to go to my stuff.

"Just sit down, Erin." José said a little more forceful making me jump slightly. I took a seat on the bed next to him as he opened the Chinese boxes where vegetables, general tsos, and lo mein appeared. He knew my favorites. He handed me chopsticks as we ate in silence.

Afterwards I just wanted to go to sleep. My face was puffy from crying and I felt myself exhausted. My hand was hurting. It looked really bruised. José noticed me staring at it and took hold my wrist where I flinched before holding onto it with a forceful grasp making me hold back a painful groan. I watched him pull my hand to his lips, kissing it tenderly. Oh, so he feels bad about it now. He probably didn't even realize he was hurting me. He was really angry. He had to not be paying attention. José looked at me and smiled, kissing my hand. He seemed happy, cheerful. He was already in a better mood which made me happy.

"This is a reminder," said José before kissing it again sweetly while giving me a warm smile, "to remain loyal to me. I love you, Erin. I can't lose you. You mean everything to me. You're my whole world. You make me so happy. Come here." José pulled me into him, kissing me with his lips before his hands roamed to my neck. I fell victim to the touch. It's been awhile since we last made love to one another. It was something I loved and missed. We never did this unless he was the one in the mood. I wasn't exactly in the mood myself.

"I don't want to right now," I said trying to pull myself away. He turned my chin to face him looking at me with his dark eyes glowered.

"Don't you want this?" José said a little harshly. "We never get to do what I want and you think it's all about you? Come on, babe. Lighten up. You used to love this. Last time was our honeymoon. Let's bring it back. After all, this was your idea in the first place."

Was it really? I don't remember what I could've done to lead him on like this. Was I flirting? I wasn't really saying much. I just wanted to sleep. I was so exhausted. My hand was killing me. But he wanted this. And he was gentle and loving. I only wanted him to accept me and be happy with me.

His hand tried to peel at my towel as his lips went toward my neck making me gasp. He knew my weak spot. It made me melt every time. He bit down, sucking tenderly where I couldn't help but let out a throaty moan as my good hand went to his hair holding onto his short, dark hair.

"José," I said with a gentle moan.

"Mmm, si. Say my name." I said it again and he bit harder making me let out a little scream. I felt like a vampire's victim. He sat up where a little hint of blood was at his lip. He wiped it away with a devilish smirk at his lips that made him look gorgeous. "You're mine, Erin. Remember that. No one can get between us. What we have is real and genuine. Nobody's love is stronger than ours."

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