Chapter seven

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Chapter 7: Extra

We were in first place again. How many times was it this time? I had honestly lost count. We were in the hotel as I was by the poolside writing my next story soaking up the sun while José was on a pool float in the water just lazily floating around as some of the other competitors were playing by the pool or in it swimming about. Thankfully I was by the door so I couldn't get my book splashed as I wrote.

I heard the gate swing open and I looked to see the show host Don walking through with a towel around his shoulders. He looked over at me noticing my presence as his shadow covered the pages of the book.

"Whatcha got there?" I heard him ask as he pointed at the book. "A strategy plan?"

I shook my head. "No need. This is a plot on working for a new novel series."

"A novel, you say?" Don took a seat beside me while blocking the sun thankfully. I was starting to burn. I nodded my head. "That's interesting. You could use your skills and write a whole script for a show. Ever thought of doing that?"

"Honestly, no." I said. "I haven't. As much as I love writing and drawing and I guess putting costumes together, I think it would be a good challenge. I've never dreamt of it. It sounds fun and exciting. I don't think I'd be good at it."

"Can I see?" asked Don. I was hesitant. The only person to read my journal besides Heather was Mal. Both were without my permission. But, they were also evil. Don reminded me of a Hufflepuff, or perhaps Ravenclaw. Maybe even Gryffindor. Hm, now thinking about it I could see him as Gryffindor.

I gave in, handing the book over to him to let him read it. He took a good couple minutes as I watched him keenly with interest to see what he thought. He took a good couple of minutes before closing it and handing it back to be.

"Wow," he said before leaning over in his seat to rest his chin on his hand that was supported by his arm resting on his leg. "You're really talented. What you have there is a gift. That's raw talent. You could really put that to good use. You could get that public and everyone would love to read it. Then you could turn it into a movie. Oh! I have just the agent. She'd be thrilled to work on another case other than mine. Yeah, she's my agent but she's amazing. You could really turn that into something, you know? I already want to know what's gonna happen next. You're an amazing writer, Erin. Don't let it go to waste."

"I have a book out already. It's an autobiography, but it's something. That was just a head start. This is where the magic is only beginning." I said.

"And that's why you definitely need an agent. You could turn this into something huge!" Don said excitingly.

"You think so?" I asked him with hope in my mind. Could this actually be possible?

"I know so! Here, I'll give you her number. We'll be working buddies! I'm great at subplot. How do you think I came up with all of this? I'm not just a host you know." said Don grinning at himself for his achievements. He wrote down a number on my hand with a sharpie that he had on him. "Oh wait, scratch that. That's mine. I'm so used to giving out mine throughout the agency, force of habit. I'll write it on the other side."

He held my hand gently as the man wrote down the agents number on the back of my palm. He held my hand steadily with one as he wrote the digits with the other.

"Hey! Don't be giving her tips! What is this?" I heard Jacques shout from the poolside. Don's head shot up a blush going to his cheeks.

"What? N-no. It's just my number — I-I mean, my agents. What am I saying? I don't have to explain anything to you." Don said to the contestant in a not so pleasing tone. I guess he's not exactly happy with him. Good, at least I'm not the only ones besides the police cadets that don't like the ice dancers.

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